Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

The Week’s Most Interesting Reads

Assessing Trump’s foreign policy team. Christopher Preble reviews the selections for top national security posts and considers what they may mean for Trump’s foreign policy. America still hasn’t felt the weight of the Iraq disaster. Daniel Davis contrasts the complete lack of accountability for Iraq war architects and boosters in the U.S. with the public […]

Assessing Trump’s foreign policy team. Christopher Preble reviews the selections for top national security posts and considers what they may mean for Trump’s foreign policy.

America still hasn’t felt the weight of the Iraq disaster. Daniel Davis contrasts the complete lack of accountability for Iraq war architects and boosters in the U.S. with the public humiliation of Tony Blair in Britain.

George Marshall: a statesman, not a warrior. Paul Pillar reviews the career of Marshall, and sees a big difference between his brief tenure as Secretary of Defense and the mattis nomination.

Trump’s team should ditch the “clash of civilizations.” Emma Ashford identifies some of the flaws in how Trump’s appointees understand Islam and the rest of the world.
