Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Contact Us

Editorial Offices

The American Conservative

P.O. Box 66825
Washington, DC 20035-6825


Press Inquiries

Contact our managing editor, Jude Russo, at jrusso@theamericanconservative.com. Please include “press inquiry” in the subject line. For time-sensitive bookings during business hours, please call the office at the number above.


Please send pitches or drafts along with a short bio to submissions@theamericanconservative.com. We generally look for pieces on a variety of political, social, economic, and cultural topics, between 800-1500 words (we do not offer blogging gigs or publish multi-part series.) Please feel free to peruse our site for a sense of our tone and style. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, if you have not heard back from us in seven business days, please understand we have passed on the piece. We do not accept simultaneous submissions.

Subscriptions/Customer Service

For customer support, please email the address below. We’ll respond as quickly as possible.


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