Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

The Sweet Scent Of Intersectionality

How hated will you be? Measuring the contemptibility of Enemies Of The People™
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The Social Justice Warriors have come up with an Intersectionality Score Calculator, to determine whether, come the Revolution, you should be promoted to the Politburo, or to mere commissar status, or, alas, sent to the gulag, or even shot. Here’s the test; you rate yourself on a sliding scale:

You will not be surprised to learn my score:

To the firing squad for me! If only I had been older, wealthier, and better educated, the SJWs would be required to burn my body and flush the ashes. Bet my score is lower than yours, Uncle Chuckie! This may be the only time I will be rated more monstrous than you.

I say three cheers for low scores. But don’t despair if you fail to score low:

Can I be accused of being oppressive even if I have a high score?

Yes, having a high intersectionality score doesn’t completely immunize you from being called an oppressor. You may be vulnerable to “weakest link” attacks – that is, being called an oppressor on any of the intersectionality factors by those disadvantaged in that factor. For example, a gay black man could still be accused of being a misogynist by women or a poor, immigrant woman could be called transphobic by a transperson..

How can these scores be used? So glad you asked. From the website:

The scores has many practical uses. Primarily, it can be used to help those who are historically marginalized. In an office setting, you can easily identify those who may have unique, and most often overlooked or disregarded perspectives. Some people even advocate giving more opportunties [sic] and promotions to people with high intersectionality scores so that they become more represented in positions of power.

In politics, we could use these scores to compensate for previous social injustice by weighing votes in proportional to ones intersectional score. For example, someone with an intersectional score of 60 would get twice as many votes as someone with a score of 30. This would produce a more inclusive outcome and improve overall diversity.

“A more inclusive outcome and improve overall diversity” is a pretty interesting way to describe depriving people of equal opportunity to vote and to participate in public life on the basis of their skin color, religion, sex, age, and whatnot.

Intersectionality is a cult. You don’t have to think. The intersectionalists spout words like “diversity” and “inclusivity” like rainbow-farting unicorns, but what they propose is utterly malign. From The Gulag Archipelago, this 1918 quote from a Bolshevik official describing the purpose of the Red Terror:

We are not fighting against single individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. It is not necessary during the interrogation to look for evidence proving that the accused opposed the Soviets by word or action. The first question which you should ask him is what class does he belong to, what is his origin, his education and his professions. These are the questions which will determine the fate of the accused. Such is the sense and the essence of red terror.


UPDATE: People are saying this is a parody site. If so, then it’s pretty funny that I fell for it. I didn’t read the introductory paragraph, so I missed the tell. It’s so close to what’s real, though, that I don’t feel quite so bad for having been punked. Congratulations to the joker. I’m just glad I got to post a photo of a farting unicorn, and did it before I saw the news that President Bush the Elder had died, which would have stayed my Dreherbaity hand.
