Republicans & Planned Parenthood

So, as expected, the Senate’s attempt to defund Planned Parenthood failed on a procedural vote. All the Democrats (except one, Joe Manchin) voted to protect the fetal-mining abortionists, and all the Republicans (except one, Mark Kirk) voted to strip the organization of federal money. Sen. Lindsey Graham, who opposes funding Planned Parenthood, was in New Hampshire campaigning for an office he cannot hope to win.
Some of my conservative friends on social media are angry at the Republicans for failing here, but I think their anger is massively misplaced. They needed 60 votes for debate on the bill to proceed, but there aren’t enough pro-lifers in the Senate to make this happen. Note well that except for the honorable exception of West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, the entire Democratic Senate cohort — including the son of the late, great Gov. Robert Casey of Pennsylvania — voted to keep federal dollars going to an organization that kills unborn children, chops them up, and sells their body parts.
This is true:
It has become painfully apparent that they could load live children on rail cars and still draw subsidies.
— ≠ (@ThomasHCrown) August 4, 2015
The fact is, ours is a country that prefers to keep funding Planned Parenthood. We will cannibalize unborn children in the hope that someday, we might live longer because they died. There is nothing that will stop Planned Parenthood, because maintaining sexual autonomy and liberty depends on honoring what they do. Our media believes this, certainly. So do many Americans.
[Planned Parenthood head Cecile] Richards said, “The depravity of these tactics and the invasion — the willingness of this group to invade the most personal, private space and to violate the medical relationships — I’ve never seen anything as low.”
Who is this ghoul to speak of depravity? The organization she runs kills unborn human beings, dissects their bodies, and sells them! Watch the videos, for God’s sake! This woman says she has never seen anything lower than undercover investigators filming what actually goes on inside the clinics she runs, and showing others how they dissect and pick through the bodies of unborn children, and negotiate their sale. Think about that.
It’s hard to get around the fact that a majority of the American people just don’t want to know, or rather, are prepared to live with it, in the name of defending Science and the Sexual Revolution.
Note well that the Democratic Party is the party that embraces these atrocities, and calls them progress. I am not accustomed to defending the Republicans, but when it came right down to it, and US Senators had to declare themselves, every one of the Democrats (except one) sided with the abortionists and fetal miners.