Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

The Limits Of Progressive Solidarity

If you're black but not pro-LGBT, you can't ride the progressive bus
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A Pennsylvania reader writes:

Progressives have a terrible problem in Pittsburgh. And it’s spelled LGBTQ+.

The white, five-term Allegheny County District Attorney has run unopposed for several elections. This despite the fact that there have been numerous cases where black men have been roughed up or gunned down by cops. So there was widespread progressive celebration when a prominent African American defense attorney threw his hat into the ring. Until he admitted being a Christian. Whoops!

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

An Allegheny County district attorney candidate’s views on homosexuality and affiliation with a Wilkinsburg church has prompted calls for him to drop out of the race from members of the region’s LGBTQ community.

The outrage over alleged statements made by Democrat Turahn Jenkins — in which he called being homosexual or transgender a sin in a meeting with activists — culminated in a pointed statement by the LGBT-friendly Stonewall Steel City Democrats on Sunday night requesting his departure from the race.

“We are deeply disturbed by the beliefs of Turahn Jenkins, recently announced candidate for D.A., and equally so by his direct verbal confirmation of those beliefs to an assembled group of leaders from the LGBTQ+ community,” the statement read.

Here’s a long Facebook post in which Jenkins promises to treat everyone fairly. But he doesn’t renounce his belief that homosexuality is sinful. That is not good enough for his critics:

PA reader continues:

Note that the two politicians calling for him to cancel his candidacy are Lee and Innamorato, two upstart Democratic Socialists who both ousted longtime, establishment Democrats in the primaries.

So the guy they are calling on to step down is a super solid guy on race and a host of other issues. His only crime was to express the traditional Christian view on homosexuality. He said nothing about treating them differently under the law. There are no charges of discrimination levied against him, despite an extensive career as an attorney.

But. He’s got to go. They’d rather have the incumbent, I guess, than tolerate bigotry. Look. Here is the GLOWING endorsement Innamorato gave to Jenkins just last week, prior to his crimes. Now he’s not fit for office.
