Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Exodus From Public Schooling

Gender ideology marches through the institution. And many religious conservative parents have no idea what's about to hit them

A federal judge has put a temporary halt to the Obama administration’s order on transgender bathroom use in public school:

Texas and a dozen other states sued in an attempt to block the federal directive shortly after it was released in May, and in a 38-page opinion issued Sunday, Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern District of Texas temporarily prohibited the federal government from enforcing it as that lawsuit proceeds. The Obama administration has said that schools must allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and school facilities that match their gender identity, citing it as a civil rights issue protected under the federal sex-discrimination law known as Title IX.

O’Connor also ruled that the federal Education and Justice departments may not launch or complete any investigations based on the Obama administration’s interpretation that Title IX’s “definition of sex includes gender identity.”

The states argued that the federal government had overstepped its authority and effectively issued new regulations for Title IX without going through the proper federal rule-writing process. Opponents of the policy have argued that it abridges student privacy rights and potentially puts them at risk in the assumed safe-spaces of single-sex bathrooms.

In granting a preliminary injunction against the government’s guidance, O’Connor ruled that the states were likely to win the case on the merits of their arguments. O’Connor’s ruling takes effect just as students across the country are returning to class after summer vacation.

Meanwhile, a reader sends in this training video for administrators, teachers and staff in the Anne Arundel County (Maryland) public school system, instructing them how the system expects them to handle transgender students. The district serves 80,000 students. The reader says:

Just one more for your file of the inevitable Law of Merited Impossibility — made all the personally scarier, now that [people I know] are for the first time being affected directly. Your constant warnings, and those of your informers within “the system,” are absolutely right: this stuff is happening at lightning speed, and most people won’t know what hit ’em!

Here’s the video:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mraw769OhY4&w=560&h=315]

Note at around the 28:00 part, Bob Mosier, the chief communications officer for the school system, addresses “the field trip issue.” If you are chaperoning an overnight school trip, and student who is a biological male but identifies as a female wants to sleep among the girls, what do you do? “The answer is, they sleep with the females,” the administrator says. “That’s not the easy answer; it’s the right answer.”

And, he adds, because of privacy rules, teachers and others are not allowed to disclose to parents of other students what’s actually going on.

If you watch the whole video, you’ll notice that Mosier is gruff and no-nonsense in his presentation. He makes it very clear that there will be no deviation from the plan, and if you disagree with it, well, you’re the kind of person who doesn’t want what’s best for kids.

The whole thing is very instructive, though not necessarily in the way the school system intends. If you listen to the three women from the system who assist Mosier, they’re talking about things that are really crazy in a normal tone of voice, as if anyone who disagrees is the true nutcase bigot. One woman, a school counselor, talks about genderfluidity, and how some days, “I see myself more as my female side, and sometimes I see myself more as my male side. And we know that for growing up, it’s about figuring out who you are. And I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if a few years down the road, questions about restrooms and locker rooms will be gone, because we’ll have structured things so that everybody can use whatever they want to.”


The reader who sent that said that the person he’s close to in the Anne Arundel School System is a devout Christian who is faced with a question of conscience that could end their career there. What other public school system could this person work for? This gender insanity is not everywhere, yet, but it’s coming. Mark that. If you’re a teacher, administrator, or staffer for a public school system anywhere in the United States, you are going to find yourself sitting in a seminar just like this one day, if you haven’t already. And if you object, you’re a bigot

I was texting about this issue with another reader, an Evangelical whose family is taking a very hard hit to the family budget to put their child in a Christian school in their city, to escape this stuff. He said he just doesn’t get fellow Christians living in public school districts where this trans culture is taking over, leaving their kids in those schools when they can afford a Christian alternative, just so these kids can “be salt and light” and “transform culture for Christ.”

The culture is going to transform their kids, is what’s going to happen.

Your public school district may not be part of this movement yet. But do not be fooled: it’s coming. Are you ready?
