Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Pugilism of Walmart

And fresh stupid vulgarity from Mattress Girl: a View From The Prytania double feature

Warning: this video is NSFW, due to language (several f-bombs). Do not watch this at work, or watch it with the volume off. Also, let those triggered by extreme white trash behavior be warned that this clip will likely send you into a gran mal seizure.

The most American thing about the video of two mouthy grotesques battling it out in the shampoo aisle at an Indiana Walmart is not that the small boy of one of the women joined in to help his mama. It’s that everybody stood around watching and videotaping, and off camera you can hear a woman warning a man not to get involved, or else he risks a lawsuit. Thanks to the reader who sent this in.

At the other end of the class spectrum, a reader passes along this link to a new video by Myrna Minkoff Emma Sulkowicz, known to the cultural demi-monde as La Mattressarde (here’s why — and why social-media evidence indicates that she is probably lying), is back with a new art project: a homemade sex tape of her having violent intercourse. The link does not take you directly to the video; I wouldn’t do that to you. But it does take you to the discussion on the feminist website Jezebel. You have to read the comments; they are hilarious, both intentionally and unintentionally.

Here’s a link to an Artnet interview with the popular crazy person, now roaming the streets unrestrained by taste, common sense, or the authorities, and wielding her recently awarded Columbia University diploma. From the interview:

One of the things that really struck me about the text accompanying the video is when you write “You might be wondering why I’ve made myself this vulnerable…I want to change the world.” Is it that thinking that made you want to become an artist?

I don’t know that it’s why I want to be an artist, but it’s why I’m forced to be an artist. It’s more that being an artist is the only way I know how.

Do you think that making yourself vulnerable is what it takes to change the world these days?


Sure, because nothing changes the world like a homemade video of yourself being roughly rogered.One can only hope La Mattressarde will take to the shampoo aisle of Walmart for her follow-up project. Interesting to reflect on how a certain class of woman can act like a trashy idiot in public, and be a Jerry Springer laughing stock, but another class of woman can do the same and be celebrated as a “brave” feminist artist.
