Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Try Checking a Dictionary

I ask again (and again): what is the fundamental difference between traditionalism and progressivism? I see none. ~K.M. Walker, Many Things Mr. Walker, who seems to be playing the part of some anti-Straussian’s parody of a Straussian, is under the bizarre impression, among other things he is confused about, that Prof. DiLorenzo “and his gang” […]

I ask again (and again): what is the fundamental difference between traditionalism and progressivism? I see none. ~K.M. Walker, Many Things

Mr. Walker, who seems to be playing the part of some anti-Straussian’s parody of a Straussian, is under the bizarre impression, among other things he is confused about, that Prof. DiLorenzo “and his gang” (which gang would this be?) “denounce” the “principles of the Declaration of Independence.” Anyone remotely familiar with Prof. DiLorenzo’s work would know this to be entirely false, and that it is partly on the basis of the Declaration that he indicts Lincoln as an ideologue who perverted and/or ignored the plain meaning in the Declaration’s statement concerning the “consent of the governed” because Lincoln had to have known that the logic of that idea vindicated secession and made his position untenable. I suggest the following remedy: forget esoteric readings for the time being. Just try regular reading for a little while, and see how it goes.
