Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Sex With Children: The Gender Ideology End Game

Spanish government Minister of Equality says children have the right to have sex if they want
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Irene Montero, a Communist who is the Minister of Equality in the left-wing Podemos government in Spain, says the quiet part out loud: that equality means children have the right to have sex if they want to. Here's the clip, in Spanish, but with English subtitles (turn on the CC on the YouTube frame):


This is it. This is the end game of these queer theorists and gender ideologues: the sexualization of children. It was always going to end up here. This is what all these drag queen story hours mean, and these "family-friendly drag shows". It's all about sexualizing children and grooming them to become prey for pedophiles -- sorry, "Minor-Attracted Persons."

Did they even go this far in Weimar Germany?

How much more of this are we prepared to tolerate?

I note that Hungary is hated by some Western European governments because it will not put up with this crap -- because the Hungarians have understood from the beginning what is at the heart of this corruption. Balazs Orban writes:

Karl Popper, the intellectual mentor of George Soros and the father of the Open Society ideology, views reproductive rights as a weapon for “class struggle”. He who controls family policy and reproductive rights controls the future, which is why the left is so preoccupied with the issue of parenting and child-rearing.

As they started spreading this woke nonsense in Hungary, our government decided to act. Last year, the Hungarian Parliament passed the Child Protection Act, enshrining into law that the right of sexual education of children belongs exclusively to parents, and our kids must be protected from age-inappropriate content in the media and on the internet. With the passing of this legislation, Hungary went from being the black sheep of the European Union to being the punching bag for second-tier Western European politicians, who consequently decided to halt EU financial transfers to which Hungary is legally entitled.

We decided to hold a referendum with the aim of proving what we already knew: that the majority of Hungarians agree with the government’s position on this issue, namely on the question of holding sexual orientation classes in schools without parental consent, promotion of hormone and castration treatments on minors, and unrestricted exposure of our children to sexually explicit media content. The result spoke for itself. With one of the highest turnouts in the history of Hungarian referenda, 92 percent of voters claimed that they support the legislation restricting minors’ exposure to such content in public schools.


What did the EU do? They punished Hungary even further. European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen effectively admitted yesterday that the EU pursues phony "rule of law" charges against Poland and Hungary to punish the people of those countries for electing right-wing governments of which the EU does not approve.

These Eurocrats screamed bloody murder when the Hungarian parliament passed the anti-gender propaganda for minors law, but do you think Von Der Leyen or Brussels will say a word about what this Spanish left-wing minister of state has said about child sex? Of course not.

Meanwhile, here in America, Matt Walsh and his allies are exposing the sick cult of child sex mutilation that has overtaken American medicine, and is daring the Republican Party to man up and do something about it to protect children.

Will the GOP candidates rise to the occasion? We will see. It is time to start putting Biden, Pelosi, and every Democratic official on the spot and force them to defend this barbarism. Not just the child sexual mutilations in hospitals, but all of this sexualization of children. Today it's a Spanish communist state minister pushing pederasty. How long before it starts here in America? Don't say never. A lot of the stuff that's totally mainstream now we were told would never happen here -- and that people who warned that it was coming were nothing but a bunch of Religious Right bigots trying to scare people into failing to recognize that #LoveWins.

If we as a society will not defend our children from these sickos, we don't deserve to survive. In Canada, within living memory, that pervert Magister Juggs would not have dared to wear giant prosthetic boobs to teach a high school class because fathers would not have tolerated it. At last, though, fed-up Canadians are protesting outside the high school where that fetishy teacher is employed. More, please:


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Zenos Alexandrovitch
Zenos Alexandrovitch
This is exactly the content the AmCon Discord Diaspora bans people for. She supports gender ideology at the cost of child rape. And her shills like Jon point to this and call it QAnon conspiracy - it has nothing to do with that quack theory - but it's blatant.
schedule 2 years ago
Giuseppe Scalas
Giuseppe Scalas
I have always said in these comboxes that then alphabet soup begins with L.G.B.T. but ends with P.
schedule 2 years ago
Giuseppe Scalas
Giuseppe Scalas
That woman is applying the "consent" ethics to children too. We had foreseen that this would have been the Trojan horse for institutional pedophilia.
schedule 2 years ago
Theodore Iacobuzio
Theodore Iacobuzio
Ursula is even better in the original. <<Wir haben Instrumente.>> Ja wohl.
schedule 2 years ago
The pedophilia trend starts at the top, with the most despicable person of all...
schedule 2 years ago
We are in trouble in this country (especially in MA), because we lack adequate, local news coverage. There seems to be no way for the people to get organized to push back against these left-wing nut jobs. What is the sense of having the "freedom of speech" if local news coverage is gone. All of papers have been put under the control of disinterested, lousy news provider (Gannett), so it is virtually impossible for the people to get a grip on local affairs. If you can't effect things on a local level, making a change at a higher level seems impossible.
schedule 2 years ago
Lloyd Conway
Lloyd Conway
Mr. Dreher, you hit on one point that I have pondered many times over: Fathers, and their absence from the scene. My father protected us when I was growing up. I am about as scary as John Boy Walton and yet I've kept predators at bay on several occasions. Just having an angry husband/father confront them is enough, yet it rarely happens. (Maybe the MSM simply ignores the stories.)
Freud was right ('Civilization and its Discontents') when he wrote that the best protection for children was a father in the home. 'No-Fault Divorce' (Thanks, Gov. Reagan) was as much a blow to our civilization as Roe V. Wade. Will anyone campaign on repealing such laws at the state level, in the process helping to dismantle the Divorce-Industrial Complex that Dr. Baskerville and a few other brave souls have exposed? Getting fathers back in the home is a first step to arresting the spread of the evils of pederasty.
Thank you for continuing to shine a light on this dark corner of Western life today.
schedule 2 years ago
    Traditionally, at least post Industrial Revolution, fathers were much gone from the home-- because they were at work, and mothers did most of the day-to-day heavy lifting of child-rearing. That hasn't changed all that much, though maybe the work from home trend will start to change that in small ways.
    schedule 2 years ago
There's no evidence that the culture as a whole is moving toward acceptance of pedophilia (pedo- in the sense of prepubescent child*). Quite the contrary in fact: we've become less accepting of that sort of thing.
As I have said many times in these parts the most likely change we might see would be legal acceptance of polygamy. That's a minority preference too, but far more people are on board than are with pedophilia, and more than one religion endorses it.

*There is and always has been some argument over what the age of consent for post-pubescent teens should be.
schedule 2 years ago
    Zenos Alexandrovitch
    Zenos Alexandrovitch
    Way to ignore the problem. No wonder you point to anyone who cares to sees the problem to call them "QAnon Conspiracy Theorists." As many as 75% of federal judges support decriminalization of child pornography - will to expose untold children to the horrors of that sadistic industry.
    schedule 2 years ago
      You throw out lurid and utterly unsourced stats to "prove" a point-- why shouldn't I conclude you're making them up as you go along? Meanwhile out here in Reality you will have to look far and wide before finding anyone who supports child porn or pedophilia. The culture is firmly against it. The next culture war change, if it happens, will involve polygamy, perhaps, ironically, spearheaded under the banner of religious liberty.
      schedule 2 years ago
        Zenos Alexandrovitch
        Zenos Alexandrovitch
        I mostly point out your comment history and evidence easily discoverable with a thing called Google. Of course, you being a boomer do not understand how search engines work, and the make false allegations. You are literally projecting.
        schedule 2 years ago
    The operative word here is ‘yet’. 30 years ago no one would have believed 2 dudes could get married. All it takes are a few films, tv shows and books and daily sympathetic stories on NPR and NYT. And if history is any indication republicans would go down without a fight.
    schedule 2 years ago
Chris Karr
Chris Karr
"Will the GOP candidates rise to the occasion?"
I think the fact that Congressman Matt Gaetz is still a member in good standing in the GOP gives you all the answer you need to know.
schedule 2 years ago
    Don't be so quick to write them off. We must hold the people in power responsible for upholding their duties. Protecting children is a fundamental role for the government.
    schedule 2 years ago