Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Occupy Springfield!

Matt James is the author of that genius image. But seriously, folks … the reader who sent me this said that the cop in Davis who did the pepper-spraying is now probably going to have to move his family. His name and address are all over the Internet, and his life is probably in danger. […]

Matt James is the author of that genius image.

But seriously, folks … the reader who sent me this said that the cop in Davis who did the pepper-spraying is now probably going to have to move his family. His name and address are all over the Internet, and his life is probably in danger. If you think that this is just desserts, you should think about what it would be like if you did what your boss told you to do, and drew the ire of the Internet mob. Have you ever had your family threatened in your home for things you’ve done or written? I have, and my newspaper had to buy my family 24-hour police protection days. It’s not fun. This is what I hated about the gay-rights groups publicizing the names and addresses of people who supported Prop 8 in California. What did they hope to gain by this? There is no conceivable outcome other than that they wanted those people to fear the wrath of their opponents by fearing an attack in their own homes. I loathe pro-life extremists who demonstrate outside the homes of abortionists. For me, there is a bright line between holding people accountable in public for their actions, and violating the sanctity of their homes. Once we cross it, in our righteous anger, we’re in very, very bad trouble as a society. Nobody is safe, except those who can afford to hide behind high walls.
