Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

NPR Asks Extremely Relevant Question

Always our NPR, with this headline: Does Classical Music Have A Transgender Problem? Could there possibly be a more NPR essay question than that? I’d like to come up with some. There should be a humorous Twitter feed #RelevantNPRQuestions. Give us some examples, readers. (Humorless reader combox commentary lands in 5…4…3…2…1) [H/T: That Reader in […]

Always our NPR, with this headline:

Does Classical Music Have A Transgender Problem?

Could there possibly be a more NPR essay question than that? I’d like to come up with some. There should be a humorous Twitter feed #RelevantNPRQuestions. Give us some examples, readers.

(Humorless reader combox commentary lands in 5…4…3…2…1)

[H/T: That Reader in Richmond.]
