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Romney and Mormonism (Again)

Reminiscent of the contemptuous anti-Kennedy crowd in the early 1960’s, wary of electing the first Roman Catholic to the presidency, there are those who balk at pulling the lever for a Mormon. The fact that there are governors, cabinet members and currently five US Senators and thirteen members of the US House of Representatives of […]

Reminiscent of the contemptuous anti-Kennedy crowd in the early 1960’s, wary of electing the first Roman Catholic to the presidency, there are those who balk at pulling the lever for a Mormon. The fact that there are governors, cabinet members and currently five US Senators and thirteen members of the US House of Representatives of both parties who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints should serve to quell such unreasonable concerns. Sen. Harry Reid aside, most faithful LDS adherents tend to hold traditional values. ~Carol Turoff

But those who “balk” at voting for Mormons don’t doubt that they “hold traditional values,” but are more than a little disturbed that they believe that the con-man Joseph Smith was a prophet and accept the farrago of mish-mashed theology he and his successors have presented as the truth.



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