Hispanic Crime: The Debate
Ron Unz, The American Conservative March 01, 2010 Issue
PPIC Data on Hispanic Incarceration (Plus P.S.)
Ron Unz, The American Conservative March 9, 2010
Unz Again
Steve Burton, What’s Wrong with the World, Mar. 8, 2010
“Ron Unz gets one thing right, a bunch of things wrong, and simply
ignores the most damning part of my reply”
“Hispanics and Crime”
Matt Yglesias, ThinkProgress (55 comments), March 6, 2010
“Ron Unz has a fantastic piece in The American Conservative looking at
the allegation that Hispanic immigration is leading to higher crime in
the United States.”
The Great Hispanic Crime Debate
Richard Spencer, AltRight, March 6, 2010
“A great many pixels have bee spilt over Ron Unz’s March cover story in
The American Conservative, ‘Hispanic'”
The Great Hispanic Crime Debate
Jason Richwine, The American Enterprise/EnterpriseBlog, March 6, 2010
“To the extent that the PPIC report can corroborate anyone’s analysis,
it is mine-not his-that is confirmed.”
The Bogus Hispanic Crime Wave
Alexander Cockburn, Counterpunch, March 5, 2010
“There are at least about 50 million Hispanics in America, and they’re
projected to become 25 percent of the total national population. Whether
they have high crime rates or low crime rates is a huge issue for the
future of America.”
More on the Hispanic-Crime Debate
John Derbyshire, National Review/NRO, March 5, 2010
“A few weeks ago I posted about Ron Unz’s inquiry into the question of
Hispanic criminality. Rebuttals and counter-rebuttals have been bouncing
round the blogosphere since.”
More on Hispanics and Crime
Jason Richwine, Alternative Right, March 4, 2010
“I want to correct a small but important error made originally by Ed
Rubenstein and repeated by Unz in his response to me.”
Ron Unz, The American Conservative, March 4, 2010
A detailed response to Richwine, Burton, Spencer, and Bramwell
Model Minority?
Jason Richwine, Alternative Right, March 3, 2010
“Unz is wrong when he says that Hispanics are no more criminal than
The Unzism Debate – Around the Web
Matthew Roberts, Conservative Heritage Times, March 3, 2010
“Many on the open-borders left championed Unz’s article, noting that it
was published in a “conservative magazine”…More sober minds were not
so optimistic.”
Thoughts on Hispanic Crime
Richard Spencer, Alternative Right, March 3, 2010
“Demography is destiny, and the Latino demographic indicates that
Hispanics will be filling up the prisons and committing the lion’s share
crime in this country for decades and decades to come.
Reply to Unz
Steve Burton, What’s Wrong With the World, March 2, 2010
“As usual, Unz is playing fast and loose with the facts.”
Ron Unz On Hispanic Crime: Nice Going, But So What?
Austin Bramwell, The American Conservative, March 1, 2010
“Given the disastrous consequences if Mr. Unz is wrong, immigration
proponents have the burden or proving with reasonable certainty that
immigration will not make Americans less safe.”
Chasing the Shadows
Editorial, The Waynesboro News Virginian, Feb. 28, 2010
“This mirrors the experience in Waynesboro, where despite the surge in
the ranks of Hispanics, one can’t help but notice the absence of
bloodthirsty gangs roaming the streets.”
Response to Rubenstein
Ron Unz, The American Conservative (85 comments), Feb. 26, 2010
“There are several strong caveats to Rubenstein’s finding.”
Ron Unz Vanishes Hispanic Criminality…Not!
Edward S. Rubenstein, VDare.com, Feb. 24, 2010
“Unfortunately, Unz’ analysis of the immigration/crime link suffers from
the same ambiguities and inconsistencies as those he (rightly)
Immigration: Facts vs. Ideology
Ron Unz, The American Conservative (29 comments), Feb. 24, 2010
“I must admit I find it a bit odd that a publication such as Chronicles
would devote so much space to such a blistering attack upon views
seemingly shared by nearly all of America’s historical leaders across
the last couple of centuries.”
“Jihad” in Jackson Heights
David Kramer, LewRockwell.com, Feb. 24, 2010
“I live in Jackson Heights, so I can attest to the author’s observation
that it is a very safe neighborhood”
Republished by LewRockwell.com, Feb. 24, 2010
Un mito sobre latinos
Jorge Delgado, La Opinion (Spanish Language), Feb. 23, 2010
Unzism, A Dangerous Doctrine
Matthew Roberts and Steve Burton, Chronicles (56 comments), Feb. 22,
“Why would Unz deliberately distort data to minimize the phenomenon of
Hispanic crime? Ideology remains a powerful force, and Unz’s
‘His-Panic’ fits into his overall vision of ‘Unzism.’
USA Today, Et Cetera – Smart insights on the news of the day
USA Today (Print Edition), Feb. 22, 2010
Illegal Immigrants: Not So Scary
Steve Chapman, Chicago Tribune Columnist, Feb. 21, 2010
“In Los Angeles, which is half Hispanic…the murder rate has plummeted
to levels unseen since the tranquil years of the early 1960s”
Hispanic Crime Rates
Alexandria, Crossroads of Civilization, Feb. 20, 2010
“This is a nice piece to keep available as we will inevitably face the
immigration issue again.”
Latino Immigrants and Crime
Tyler Cowen (New York Times economics columnist), Marginal Revolution,
Feb. 20, 2010
“An excellent article, full of good information.”
Myths about crime and immigration
David Freddoso, Washington Examiner/Beltway Confidential, Feb. 19, 2010
“If there is a problem of too much immigration, it doesn’t appear to be
in the realm of violent crime.”
Radley Balko, Reason Magazine/Hit & Run (105 comments), Feb. 19, 2010
“One of the more courageous endeavors I’ve seen from a political
magazine in a long time.”
The Myth of Hispanic Crime Rates
Heather Horn, The Atlantic Monthly/Atlantic Wire, Feb. 19, 2010
“Unz debunks the high Hispanic crime rate myth…the piece requires a
full reading.”
Raciality.com – and Brutality, Feb. 19, 2010
“The author Ron Unz, is a white male that has lived all his life
surrounded by Latinos in his neighborhood, and he survived to tell this
incredible tale.”
Felix Salmon, Reuters, Feb. 18, 2010
“Must-read piece in the American Conservative on hispanics and crime.
Fantastic stuff”
Response to Unz
Roger D. McGrath, Chronicles (21 comments), Feb. 18, 2010
“Kris Jensen’s moderately successful 1962 recording of ‘Torture’ kept
running through my brain.”
American Conservative Publisher Takes on the “Myth” of Immigrant Crime
Top stories of the day, Slate/The Slatest, Feb. 18, 2010
“Ron Unz takes on, and takes down, one of the far-right’s most cherished
Exchange: Pollitt and Alexander Cockburn on the Hispanic Crime Rate
Alexander Cockburn, The Nation, Feb. 12, 2010
“Probably naívely, I thought it encouraging that a magazine founded by
Pat Buchanan should devote its March cover and a substantial number of
pages to a persuasive assault on right-wing hysteria about the
supposedly astronomic crime rates of Hispanics in America.”
Ron Unz, Latinos, Liberals, and Scholarship
Katha Pollitt, The Nation/And Another Thing…, Feb. 11, 2010
“Has Ron Unz discovered something new? No.”
Conservative analysis finds little evidence for ‘myth of immigrant
Agustin Armendariz, California Watch, Feb. 4, 2010
“Ron Unz, publisher of the American Conservative magazine, finds little
hard evidence to support the notion that Hispanics are more violent than
other segments of the population”
The Bogus Crime Wave
Alexander Cockburn, The Nation (Print Edition), February 2, 2010
“It’s all nonsense. There’s no crime wave swollen by brown gangbangers
to city-destroying proportions.”
Blacks Have High Crime Rates, What About Hispanics?
Al Fin Blog, Feb. 1, 2010
“Unz suggests that there is very little difference in crime rates
between “whites” and “hispanics”
How Criminal Are Hispanics?
John Derbyshire, National Review/NRO, Feb. 1, 2010
“…An impressive analysis…Data talks, b-s walks…”
The myth of the myth of Hispanic lawlessness
The Inductivist, Web. Jan 27, 2010
“The data closest to the act is self-report data.”
Et Tu Amcon?
Mansizedtarget.com, Jan. 27, 2010
“Unz has demonstrated (again) a marked indifference to the survival of
America as a coherent and historical entity.”
According to The American “Conservative”, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is as
Law Abiding as Mary Poppins
Statsholic Blog, Jan. 27, 2010
“The American Conservative Article can be described as nothing more than
a damned lie, carefully designed to dupe the gullible and weak minded.”
Jews and The American Conservative
Hunter Wallace, Occidental Dissent (62 comments), Jan. 26, 2010
“An important corollary is that Jews should be totally excluded from our
media and organizations.”