Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

What’s Happening To America?

Do we have it in us to refuse and roll back the decadence rolling over our country?
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I wrote this over the weekend, but didn’t want to post it on Independence Day. Too gloomy. I tried to spend the day thinking happy thoughts about our country, and where it’s headed. The best I could manage came from an American friend I had drinks with yesterday: “We have to be hitting a breaking point. Normal people won’t put up with this for much longer.”

Maybe so. Please God, make it so.


Look at this:

Yep. And if you aren’t at work, and no children are around to listen to it, check out these angry parents in Virginia’s Loudoun County reading aloud in a school board meeting from books assigned in ninth-grade English class in the progressive-run public schools there. (This is VERY NSFW; you don’t have to have the volume up to be able to read the texts, though):

And read this from the liberal writer Kevin Drum: “If you hate the culture war, blame liberals.” Excerpts:


Read it all.

Part of me hopes that this fuels a massive backlash on the Right in 2022 and 2024. The Left, especially in the media, have been pushing this garbage tearing our country apart, and legitimizing criminal behavior on the street. But another part of me wonders what the point would be. For as hard as so many conservatives fought for a conservative majority on the US Supreme Court, we can’t even get enough conservative justices — all we need is four, and we have six — to get SCOTUS even to hear the case granting transgenders access to bathrooms consistent with their preferred gender identity, nor can we get four to agree to hear the big religious liberty case involving the poor Washington florist who was set upon by the gay men whom she had loyally served for nine years. I didn’t say we couldn’t get those justices to rule in a conservative way. I said we couldn’t get enough of them even to agree to hear the cases. 

And the US military, in which conservatives have long had faith, is going woke. A conservative reader who works in a high position in the national security field e-mailed to say that he can’t see how we are going to revive the Republic

when you have two generations that have been raised on Howard Zinn and are ambivalent at best on whether or not the US should be defended in the first place. We have no common culture, and the left’s current hypergrievance mindset ensures that any disparity in outcomes is always due to systemic internalized discrimination, false consciousness, and a grievance mindset that undermines any kind of social cohesion. The left already wants to modify the electoral college, SCOTUS, and God knows what else.
The other part that the national security right doesn’t get but France’s Macron oddly does is you can’t run a society as a world power with an elite in a state of self-loathing of it’s own heritage and cynical calculation that precludes any kind of genuine mobilization or even the basis for creating it. This is why any idea that the US will rise to the occasion to fight for Taiwan or Ukraine is utter delusion. In our current state we are a spent force and anyone can see it.
I’m old enough to remember how bleak things looked for America in the late 1970s. We had been defeated in Vietnam, and Iran humiliated us. The economy was in terrible shape. Crime was out of control. National morale was in the ditch. And then we turned things around.
Can we do it again? The future is not determined. Do we have the capacity to resist anymore? I’m not sure. What do you think? In a post-Christian country, where will the sources of resistance come from? Please don’t tell me right-wing Evangelicals going to grifty conferences to hoot and holler about how the election was stolen, and how God was an American patriot. That kind of thing is easily defeated by the forces in power in our country now.
UPDATE: One of you readers is under the impression that I’m bashing the cops. I don’t intend to. I assume that they are under orders to stand down.
UPDATE.2: A reader e-mails:

I hope you had a nice weekend. What a time to celebrate America’s founding.

You said, “Part of me hopes that this fuels a massive backlash on the Right in 2022 and 2024.” I totally sympathize with the sentiment, but, be careful what you wish for. This backlash may, in fact, backfire, because of reasons you mention later in the blog post: we have no leadership.

The people willing to push back against leftism are primarily older people. But the foot-soldiers (a term I use carefully), what we really need, have to come from Millennials and Gen. Z. Obviously, older people are more likely to put themselves in the line of fire because a) They’ve invested more into this country than younger people and b) They still haven’t fully accepted the reality of the burgeoning totalitarianism, at least not to the point they’re willing to make changes to adjust to the new reality.

There might be some resistance within the Millennial and Gen. Z camp. I’m not ruling that out. But, to the extent there’s any, it’s entirely silent. And, clearly, nobody’s willing to really put anything on the line to live not by lies. I can’t blame them, honestly. I had a conversation with a close family member who isn’t politically conservative, not to any ideological extent, but is deeply troubled still by what happened at the Wi Spa who said, “Now’s not the time to fight back.” And I, unfortunately, agree. Fighting back now will get you crushed. But the atmosphere of restraint cannot last forever.

So, the way I see it, for us to fight back and still preserve this liberal republic, we have to go the way of France. I mentioned to you in the past that the anti-Macron, anti-leftist backlash has tremendous support among young French and women. The U.S. has to reach a point where it’s Millennials, Gen. Z, and women, all predominantly left-wing, turn against the revolution. If a backlash occurs in ’22 and ’24, but it’s still spearheaded by voters who are older, White, or male, then this backlash will see very little long-term success and may only help the Left in the long run. The Left’s narrative, which is that White supremacy and the patriarchy is oppressing this country, is still a very powerful one among the young and there’s no sign this will change any time soon.

This is precisely why (among other reasons), in my opinion, the Left will win and the U.S. will end up under some form of authoritarian governance within a generation. It’s disheartening to think that there’s literally nothing we can do to stop it, but, short of a violent counter-revolution, I don’t see how we reverse the tide when the people we need on our side aren’t. The only hope is that people will wake up to the escalating level of violent crime in this country and that’ll be the issue that turns the tide, but, with the Left and the media now blaming it on the Right, that might end up going nowhere also.

So, I’ve made peace with the fact I’ll have to quietly resist, hunker down, and weather the storm that’ll last for a good portion of my years ahead. Your book played a huge role in giving me faith in the idea that, yes, we can survive the dark days. I hope it does the same for many others.



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