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Save Pastor Nadarkhani

You may have heard that the Iranian government is apparently on the verge of murdering Yousef Nadarkhani, an Iranian Evangelical pastor who left the Islamic religion to embrace Christianity. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, this is enough to get you killed for apostasy. It’s not just the Iranians; sharia prescribes the death penalty for […]

You may have heard that the Iranian government is apparently on the verge of murdering Yousef Nadarkhani, an Iranian Evangelical pastor who left the Islamic religion to embrace Christianity. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, this is enough to get you killed for apostasy. It’s not just the Iranians; sharia prescribes the death penalty for renouncing Islam.

Here, from the UK activist site Christian Solidarity Worldwide, are the facts of the case. Among them:

Pastor Nadarkhani has repeatedly being asked by the court in Rasht to renounce his faith in order to avoid execution and that the last chance he was given to do so was Wednesday 28 September, after which he could be executed at any time.

There is a form on the site that you may fill out for the Iranian ambassador, asking the Iranian government to spare the pastor’s life. Please do. Freedom House’s Nina Shea reminds us that speaking out loudly can save lives:

Those of us in the free world should press our members of Congress to speak up. Not only were American hikers accused of spying for Israeli recently released, but 13 Iranian Jews convicted in 2000 of spying for Israel and facing the death penalty were all released by 2003 — but only after voices had been raised in Washington and other Western capitals.



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