Daily Foreign Affairs Roundup

Here are some interesting stories relevant to foreign affairs from today, Wednesday, March 29:
What happens now that Britain has triggered Article 50? The Economist explains how Brexit could play out in the coming months.
The United States should not send U.S. troops into harm’s way unless a vital U.S. national security interest is at stake. Christopher Preble makes the case for new rules for U.S. military intervention over at War On The Rocks.
Inhabitants of Maldives Atoll Fear a Flood of Saudi Money. As reported by The New York Times, Saudi Arabia is pumping money into the Maldives, changing its culture, and eroding localism in favor of big projects.
Interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The National Interest’s Paul Saunders has an in-depth interview with Lavrov on a range of topics, including Ukraine, Iran, and Syria.
The Taliban issued a “report” that attempts to determine areas in Afghanistan it controls as well as contested areas and areas under the influence of the Afghan government. A comprehensive analysis of the report can be found over at FDD’s Long War Journal.