Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, New York

That’s a clip from a locker room pep talk Coach Victor Nazario gave to his team before a playoff game in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, which destroyed the team’s equipment, wrecked their school, and waylaid the lives of its players. It’s not exactly Coach Eric Taylor stuff, not by a long shot, but boy, […]

That’s a clip from a locker room pep talk Coach Victor Nazario gave to his team before a playoff game in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, which destroyed the team’s equipment, wrecked their school, and waylaid the lives of its players. It’s not exactly Coach Eric Taylor stuff, not by a long shot, but boy, does it have a lot of heart.

Which reminds me: Do you miss “Friday Night Lights” as much as I do? Watch this ultimate montage of Coach Taylor pep talks; if you can get through it without tears in your eyes, then you don’t miss FNL like I do. I wish I could take a pill that would wash my brain and make me forget that I had ever watched that show, so I could have the particular joy of watching it all over again for the first time. If you’ve never seen FNL, I envy you, because now you get to see it with fresh eyes. Last I checked, all five seasons were on Netflix streaming.

It makes me happy to remember that Julie and I gave Ruthie all the episodes of “Friday Night Lights” on DVD as she was dying of cancer. She watched them and loved them and took comfort from them. The life of Dillon, Texas, was in most ways the life she lived and loved in St. Francisville, Louisiana. I hope I have conveyed that truth in “The Little Way of Ruthie Leming.” 

(Via Deadspin)

UPDATE: Changed the subject line; the high school is in Queens, not in Long Island.
