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Why is Obama so eager to have his healthcare “reform” voted on before members of Congress go home for their August recess? Because this…
The dreary Senate hearing on the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court left me so in the doldrums that…
What a difference a year can make. On July 6, 1775, the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, issued the Declaration of the Causes and Necessities…
Readers of this blog may enjoy Joseph Stromberg’s latest Freeman article on the land question.
Why should the people get something through government–that is, at the point of a gun–simply because they want it? The rest of…
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the Palestinians can have their own country … if, if, if, and if. See details here. Reminds me of…
I highly recommend Kevin Carson’s “‘Intellectual Property’: A Libertarian Critique” (pdf), published by the Center for a Stateless Society. It is first-rate. So-called…
Much as the supply-siders rail against economic stimulus, they buy the basic argument.