I’ve spent much of the past two months in New Orleans on a film, an experience I’ll undoubtedly return to in this…
Steve Sailer observes that the fancy new NPR headquarters near Capitol Hill has managed to displace longtime residents of the crime-infested neighborhood. Now that…
The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, Steven Pinker, Viking, 802 pages
A number of breathless pundits have described the Iranian challenge to the U.S. as the modern equivalent of of the old Soviet challenge.…
Personally, I’d rather endure a Bush press conference than see this movie again. ~Steve Sailer That’s just about the most damning part…
Back during the eight years from 1997-2005 when Iran had a relatively moderate, non-frothing-at-the-mouth President, the neocons constantly assured us that he was just…
Western history has been distorted by the politically correct to emphasize its dog-bites-man aspects—its episodes of ethnocentrism and inequality, which are universals&…