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On a recent business trip to Austin, the reader’s wife remembered that I recommended mitad & mitad tortillas from Central Market in Texas: We took your advice, and I’m glad for it! My wife brought back a couple packages of both mitad & mitad and the flour tortillas. The mitad & mitad were particularly good […]
Alexandria, Virginia
Alexandria, Virginia

On a recent business trip to Austin, the reader’s wife remembered that I recommended mitad & mitad tortillas from Central Market in Texas:

We took your advice, and I’m glad for it! My wife brought back a couple packages of both mitad & mitad and the flour tortillas. The mitad & mitad were particularly good in that they solved my basic tortilla quandary. In my opinion, both straight flour and corn tortillas have flaws and benefits – flour is too bland and doughy and corn is too brittle and cardboard-ish. The CM mitad & mitad is just the right blend of softness, texture and flavor (and I like that they’re a little salty).

Attached is a VFYT of the meal if you’re interested. We ate them with chicken, onion, cilantro, cheese and salsa. Delicious!

Central Market really has squared the circle in tortillery. I’m leaving Thursday for a Liberty Fund conference in Texas. I won’t have a car and will be bound to the conference hotel. I’ll spend the next three days thinking and talking about Milton Friedman, while the local Central Market will be sitting there, taunting me with tortillas. If you live in Texas and have a Central Market nearby, what’s keeping you from trying the mitad & mitad? Besides your own personal sinfulness, I mean.



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