Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Richard Dawkins On Life Unworthy Of Life

@RichardDawkins 994 human beings with Down’s Syndrome deliberately killed before birth in England and Wales in 2012. Is that civilised? — Aidan McCourt (@AidanMcCourt) August 20, 2014   .@AidanMcCourt Yes, it is very civilised. These are fetuses, diagnosed before they have human feelings. — Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) August 20, 2014 @RichardDawkins @AidanMcCourt I honestly don’t […]
Richard Dawkins



Don’t be stupid, be a smarty/Come and join the Dawkins Party!

There are some things so evil that only superbrilliant intellectuals can believe them. And no, I’m afraid it didn’t sound better in the original German.

God forbid such men should ever take power. We know exactly where such tenderness as Dawkins shows leads.

UPDATE: A reader sends in this photo of his daughter Beatrice, saying:

“Look at this terrible suffering I have wrought. I suppose I will have my reckoning.

Look indeed. Here is Beatrice’s smile.

