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Postmodern Family Law

Um, er, gosh: A Family Court judge has awarded full custody of a young child to her adopted mother, instead of her biological mom, in what is believed to be the first such New York state case involving a same sex couple. More: The judge’s ruling details the acrimonious situation that ensued after October 2006 […]

Um, er, gosh:

A Family Court judge has awarded full custody of a young child to her adopted mother, instead of her biological mom, in what is believed to be the first such New York state case involving a same sex couple.


The judge’s ruling details the acrimonious situation that ensued after October 2006 when [Brooke] Altman, a former producer for Martha Stewart’s TV show, bore a baby girl conceived with sperm donated by [Allison] Scollar’s then-close friend Robert Frame — four years after the women met on a blind date and began living together.

Frame afterward renounced his parental rights in favor of Scollar legally adopting the girl. But Frame’s continued insistence that he “had a say” over the girl’s raising, and Altman’s taking his side, “became a big source of tension,” Scollar said.

“It seemed like the biological parents were united in trying to alienate the adoptive mother,” [Judge Gloria] Sosa-Lintner wrote.

To be sure, Altman comes across as a nut, at least in the judge’s remarks. The child sounds like she’s better off with Scollar. But good grief, this poor kid.



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