Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Wars, Rumors Of Wars, The Usual

The usual suspects at the Munich Security Conference prepare us for World War III
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The Munich Security Conference has produced bad news. From a Politico analysis:

Even as Western leaders congratulate themselves for their generosity toward Ukraine, the country’s armed forces are running low on ammunition, equipment and even men. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who opened the conference from Kyiv on Friday, urged the free world to send more help — and fast. “We need speed,” he said.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris turned the heat up on Russia on another front, accusing the country of “crimes against humanity.” “Let us all agree. On behalf of all the victims, both known and unknown: justice must be served,” she said.

In other words, Russian leaders could be looking at Nuremberg 2.0. That’s bound to make a few people in Moscow nervous, especially those old enough to remember what happened to Yugoslav strongman Slobodan Milošević and his entourage.

The outlook in Asia is no less fraught. Taiwan remains on edge, as the country tries to guess China’s next move. Here too, the news from Munich wasn’t reassuring.

“What is happening in Europe today could happen in Asia tomorrow,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said.   

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi did nothing to contradict that narrative. “Let me assure the audience that Taiwan is part of Chinese territory,” Wang told the conference when asked about Beijing’s designs on the self-governed island. Taiwan “has never been a country and it will never be a country in the future.”

For some attendees, the vibe in the crowded Bayerischer Hof hotel where the gathering takes place carried echoes of 1938. That year, the Bavarian capital hosted a conference that resulted in the infamous Munich Agreement, in which European powers ceded the Sudetenland to Germany in a misguided effort they believed could preserve peace.


Great. I have no doubt that Russian soldiers are committing war crimes in Ukraine. But if the Vice President of the United States is now saying that Russian leaders will be hauled before a Nuremberg-style tribunal if Russia loses, what incentive does Russia have to reach a negotiated settlement? I don't understand the diplomatic game here, unless it's to ramp up our willingness to start World War III.

This seems right to me:

Look here: Europe can't even muster majorities to defend their own countries in case of invasion.


Yet they're preparing to throw more money and weapons at Ukraine, increasing the likelihood that war will spread? Do they expect that American troops will be the ones doing the fighting in case of a wider war? Do the American people understand what's being done here?

Maybe not: "Top House Republicans Call On Biden To Increase Support For Ukraine". Excerpt:

But as the one-year anniversary of the war approaches, McCaul warned that hedging support for Ukraine could prolong the conflict, which could play into Russia’s advantages and allow anti-Ukraine dissent to build.

“The longer (Biden administration officials) drag this out, they play into (Russian leader Vladimir) Putin’s hands. He wants this to be a long, protracted war because he knows that potentially, he will lose – we could lose the will of the American people and therefore the Congress,” the Texas Republican told CNN, speaking from the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

The US and its allies have already sent nearly $50 billion in aid and equipment to Ukraine’s military over the past year. To keep that up, and to rebuild its own stockpiles, the Pentagon is racing to re-arm, embarking on the biggest increase in ammunition production in decades and putting portions of the US defense industry on a war-footing despite America technically not being at war.

Asked by Brown if he believes the US is considering sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, McCaul replied, “I hope so,” and reiterated his concern over a drawn-out conflict between Russia and Ukraine while noting, “I think the momentum is building for this to happen.”

“The fact is, the longer they wait, the longer this conflict will prevail,” McCaul said.

US Sen. Lindsey Graham echoed that message, telling ABC in an interview that aired Sunday that US lawmakers attending the Munich Security Conference were in “virtually unanimous belief” that the US should begin training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets.

“I believe a decision will be imminent when we get back to Washington, that the administration will start training Ukrainian pilots on the F-16. They need the weapons system,” Graham said.

So now the very stable geniuses of the party that led America into the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles are saying we have to send fighter jets to Ukraine. Do you see where this is going?! Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban does. Take a look at this long segment from his State of the Nation address from Saturday. I've highlighted certain parts in boldface:

If 2022 was the hardest year, 2023 will be the most dangerous year since the fall of communism. Alongside migration, which is gradually becoming a permanent feature, two new enemies and two new dangers are lurking: one is war, and the other is inflation. If we want to return to the upward trajectory from which the COVID pandemic pushed us, we must fend off these two threats: we must overcome them, we must fight our way through them. But how? Today this is what I will talk about.

How do we overcome the danger of war? We want to simply put an end to it, but we do not have the power to do so – we are not in that league. Therefore, if we want to protect Hungary, if we want a peaceful life for ourselves, we have only one choice: we must stay out of the Russo-Ukrainian war. So far this has not been easy, and it will not be easy in the future, because we are part of the Western world, we are members of NATO and the European Union, and everyone there is on the side of war – or at least acts as if they are. Can Hungary afford to remain on the side of peace in such circumstances, in a way that is directly opposed to that of our allies? Of course we can, because Hungary is an independent, free and sovereign state, and we recognise no one but God above us.

But is it right – morally right – for us to stay out of the war? I am convinced that it is the right thing – and indeed the only right thing. Russia has attacked Ukraine, so we must let Ukrainian refugees into our country, and we have done well in supporting them with the largest humanitarian aid operation in our country’s history. This is the imperative of basic humanity, and we are complying with it. But we also see that the war in Ukraine is not a war between the armies of good and evil, but a war between the troops of two Slavic countries: a war limited in time and – for the time being – in space. It is their war, not ours. Hungary recognises Ukraine’s right to self defence, to fight against external aggression; but it would not be right from any point of view – including any moral point of view – to put the interests of Ukraine before those of Hungary.

The Left in Hungary is also on the side of war: it would supply arms, take on the financial burden of war and sever relations with Russia. We are not doing this. We are not supplying arms. We are also being careful with money, because in the end the money due to us will be given by Brussels to Ukraine. For us, humanitarian support for Ukraine does not mean severing our ties with Russia, because that would run counter to our national interests, which we have the right to define for ourselves. Therefore we shall not agree to gas, oil or nuclear sanctions that would ruin Hungary. From the national consultation we know that there is national unity on this. This is why we are maintaining our economic relations with Russia; and indeed we are advising the whole Western world to do the same, because without relations there will be neither a ceasefire nor peace negotiations. This is why we do not agree with priests and church leaders being placed on sanctions lists; it is bad enough that this could happen to artists and athletes.

And it is also important not to narrow our vision, and not to be provincial. Let us look beyond Brussels. Every country outside Europe is aware of the limited significance of the war in Ukraine and the primacy of its own national interest. Let us not isolate ourselves from the level-headed part of the world. The Hungarian viewpoint is an exception only in Europe – across the world it is the norm. The Hungarian government does not consider it realistic to assume that Russia is a threat to the security of Hungary or of Europe. Such an assumption is valid at most in relation to nuclear weapons; but the war in Ukraine is increasing the risk of their use, rather than reducing it. As far as conventional warfare is concerned, the Ukraine war has shown that Russia would not stand a chance against NATO. We understand that the Ukrainians are trying to convince Europe that the Russians will not stop until they reach the Atlantic, but the Hungarians are not buying that threat. The whole world has seen that Russian forces are not in a position to attack NATO, and will not be in such a position for a long time. I recall that a decade ago Hungary proposed the creation of a joint European force, and today we can see how unfortunate it was that this proposal fell on deaf ears.

Dear Friends,

While our pro-peace position and the pro-war position of others accentuate differences between us, they also obscure the fact that we are in full agreement on strategic objectives. We want Russia not to be a threat to Europe, and we want there to be a sufficiently broad and deep area between Russia and Hungary: a sovereign Ukraine. The difference between us is in our view of the means to achieve this: those who support the war think that this can be achieved by defeating Russia; and we think that it can be achieved by an immediate ceasefire and negotiations. There is another strong argument in favour of our proposal: the only thing that can save lives is a ceasefire. Loss of life is already being expressed in the hundreds of thousands. The pain, widowhood, growing numbers of orphans and oceanic waves of suffering can only be calmed by a ceasefire.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The war has also revealed some instructive and weighty truths. Let us not pass them by without speaking of them. First of all, there is the question of our membership of NATO. Let us make it clear that for Hungary NATO membership is vital. We are too far to the east – on the eastern edge of the western world – to renounce it. It would of course be easier if we were further in: following the example of Austria and Switzerland, we too could play with the idea of neutrality. But history has not given us that luxury. NATO is a defence alliance. It is a military defence alliance which was formed so that we can defend one another. This is why we joined, and this is why – thinking back to 45 years of Soviet occupation – I experienced the historic satisfaction of signing the Treaty of Accession. It is at least as important to clearly understand what NATO is not. NATO is not a war alliance. NATO is not a war coalition. Membership of NATO does not imply any obligation beyond joint defence, nor can member countries expect any other member to jointly attack a third country for some joint military objective. If some NATO members, or a group of them, want to carry out acts of war outside the territory of the member countries, they must do so outside the framework of NATO: those who want to will participate; those who do not want to will not.

Dear Friends,

No matter how strong and powerful, anyone who thinks they can supervise, manage and gradually calibrate the conduct of war is overestimating their own power and underestimating the risky nature of war. Those who make such mistakes are usually far removed from the devastating realities of frontline warfare. But we live here, and the war is on the soil of a neighbouring country. Brusselites have not yet sacrificed their lives in this war, but Hungarians have. While Hungarian symbols are being taken down in Munkács/Mukachevo, while Hungarian principals are being dismissed from our schools, many are dying heroes’ deaths on the front. The Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia does not deserve this. More respect for Hungarians from Munkács/Mukachevo, Kyiv/Kiev, Brussels and Washington!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Europe is drifting towards war. It is balancing on a narrow plank. Indeed its countries are already indirectly at war with Russia. If you supply weapons, if you provide the satellite information for military action, if you train the soldiers of one of the belligerents, if you finance the entire state apparatus of one of the belligerents and impose sanctions on the other, then, no matter what you say, you are at war – indirectly for the time being. The risk of being drawn in is now chronic. It started with helmets, it has continued with the delivery of non-lethal equipment, we are now seeing tanks being sent, fighter planes are on the agenda, and soon we will hear about so-called “peacekeeping troops”. It reminds one of sleepwalkers on a roof. We also need to understand how the pro-war people succumbed to somnambulism and how they ended up on the rooftops. Despite all our differences of opinion, we understand our Polish and Baltic friends: their history explains a great deal. But the others?

It is astounding to me that we are being sleepwalked by our leaders into World War III. Orban is right: NATO is a defensive alliance, not an offensive one. It is engaging in offensive actions in Ukraine. "Soon we will hear about so-called 'peacekeeping troops'" -- he's right. Are you prepared to see American soldiers firing on Russian ones, for the sake of Ukraine? You had better be. This is where we are going. Almost 20 years to the day since its infamous "Unpatriotic Conservatives" cover story denouncing those on the Right who opposed the Iraq War, National Review has published a piece denouncing the "Putin Republicans" -- those who question the wisdom of current war policy.

We have learned nothing. Success or failure in the mission has nothing to do with advancement. Who cares about Iraq, Afghanistan, or Libya? Who cares that the Pentagon lied for years to Congress about Afghanistan -- and the evidence is in the government's own documents ("The Afghanistan Papers"). Children, don't dwell on the past -- think about the future! Congress doesn't care. The Pentagon doesn't care. Let's march on Moscow! What could possibly go wrong?

Do you remember what a bunch of idiots so many of us were -- mea maxima culpa -- to believe that Iraq has a big WMD arsenal, and that Saddam was an international terrorism mastermind? That we had to make sure that "the smoking gun was not a mushroom cloud"? Et cetera? Who paid a price for that deception? They took advantage of the trust we had in our leaders, especially after the 9/11 attacks. They betrayed us. And because they have never had to answer for it, they're at it again. From March 19, 2003:

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made the following statement on hostilities between the United States and the regime of Saddam Hussein. "Now that hostilities have begun, it is time for the nation to come together and support our men and women in uniform. Any disagreements Americans may have had in the past should give way to our shared commitment to see this effort through. Our thoughts and prayers are with our soldiers, sailors and Marines in the field. "I fully understand why President Bush had to resort to the use of force to disarm Saddam Hussein. It has been readily apparent for many months that Saddam would not voluntarily part with his weapons of mass destruction. "It’s long past time for Saddam Hussein to be replaced. President Bush used the only reasonable option available to him and our nation."

Now he wants to send F-16s to Ukraine. Why not? Sen. Graham has learned that there is never a price to pay for being wrong about war.

Meanwhile, as Gov. DeSantis dismantles the evil DEI regime within state institutions in Florida, its full steam ahead for the Pentagon:

Yep, we can't defend America unless we are DIVERSE, EQUITABLE, AND INCLUSIVE (including flabby fatties). How on earth did we win World War II? A mystery for the ages!

Look, is it not clear that the people who run Western institutions think of people who disagree with them as crackpot fanatics and haters who need to be driven out of the professions and marginalized until we die off? In Europe, the leadership is all about democratic values, until a European people votes the way Brussels doesn't like. We have had periods of Republican dominance in Washington over the past twenty years, but little or nothing was done to protect the interests of conservatives who don't share the elite class's values. If over the past two decades Republican politicians had cared half as much about the culture war elites have waged on the American people as they do about what Russia is doing to Ukraine, we would be a very different country today. It's easier to support the faraway Ukrainians than it is to stand by the Deplorables in their own country. (And the Democrats who lionize the Ukrainians would die a thousand deaths before they would want to share a neighborhood with those people, who are religiously and socially conservative.) So, you GOP-voting Deplorable, youant illegal immigration stopped? Can't do it, sorry. Want to stop objectively racist anti-white policies, and the racial and sexual radicalization of public schools? Hey, say the normie Republicans, THAT'S BIG GOVERNMENT TALKING! No, seriously, listen to this:

I have zero love for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Putin is a thug who runs a thugocracy. But Saddam Hussein was one of the world's most evil men, yet the US war waged on Iraq opened the door to worse evils, despite what our leaders, from the president on down, told us. So as horrible as Putin is, I have zero desire to start World War III over this Russia-Ukraine conflict. And I have zero trust that most of the elected leadership in Washington, of both parties, or within the US military brass, will likely act in the best national interest of the United States of America -- or will tell the truth about what they're doing, have done, and will do. The last twenty years has taught me that.


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Fran Macadam
Fran Macadam
"Putin is a thug who runs a thugocracy." This is the leader who had a warm personal relationship with Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, and who was instrumental in ensuring Solzhenitsyn's dissident works are part of the curricula in Russian schools.

I suppose the truth is just too dangerous even for our own would-be dissidents. If you share the view that Russia's leadership, including its parliamentarians, are evil, then it's ineffective to argue that they should be appeased because of the danger of nuclear war.
Rather, the uncomfortable truth is that the same feckless delusions that animate our internal dissolution have made their effect known in the area of warmongering. I'm sorry, ours is not a just cause badly pursued, but is itself morally repugnant. Not at all does it satisfy the Christian Just War criteria. It contradicts all of the requirements.

My country right or wrong? If required, as seems likely, the loyalty will be to the wrong.

A nuclear holocaust is likely, and fostered for all the wrong reasons, not just that bad end.

I have a deep sense of betrayal as a participant in the Cold War against diabolical Communism. Now we are propagandized into hating a country, its leadership and people far more than our leaders did the defunct Soviet Union. Worse than fools.
schedule 1 year ago
    Bogdán Emil
    Bogdán Emil

    "In the same meeting, Gorbachev proposed to Baker that as the Soviet Union had dissolved, the need for NATO was no more, and a newly created Russia be allowed to join NATO. Baker dismissed this as a “dream.” However, when Boris Yeltsin came to power, he also proposed joining NATO, and took a step further by labeling membership to NATO as a “political aim for Russia.” In 1994, Russia signed the NATO Partnership for Peace program, which aimed to bridge the divide between the two entities and lead to a pathway to NATO membership."
    "In 2000, three weeks before his ascension to the presidency, a young and bold Vladimir Putin was interviewed by the BBC’s David Frost. He clarified his intention: “Russia is a part of European culture, and I do not consider my own country in isolation from Europe. Russia is part of the European culture. And I cannot imagine my own country in isolation from Europe and what we often call the civilized world. So it is hard for me to visualize NATO as an enemy.”"

    Fair enough? However, whitewashing Putin's crimes is no more possible than whitewashing ours. And all things being equal, I would still much rather be a dissident in America than in Russia. We are all guilty, yes, we are all sinners, but let there be no false equivalence. Putin is worse than Dubya, he's worse than Obama, Trump, Biden, he's even worse than Hillary Clinton.

    Speaking of Dubya, Putin was friendly in 2000, and by 2008 he was totally done with us. So, will he go down as the worst president in American history, or what? And he was nonetheless tolerable. I would still rather live in America under its worst Neocon Regime than Putin's Russia.
    schedule 1 year ago
      Fran Macadam
      Fran Macadam
      You may well get that, for as long as a radioactive wasteland allows. The neocon fools will be holed up in their fallout shelters, for as long as that works. I'm not moving to Russia, either, but as a close student of history these past 50 years, this unnecessary war was started by our elites, whose values are no longer mine and in fact are unrecognizable. Of course, if you are
      an Assange or a Snowden, it's not possible to lead an honest life anymore in our lands. Our main media are now no more than lies.
      schedule 1 year ago
Bogdán Emil
Bogdán Emil
The key section from Orbán’s speech:

“While Hungarian symbols are being taken down in Munkács/Mukachevo, while Hungarian principals are being dismissed from our schools, many are dying heroes’ deaths on the front. The Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia does not deserve this. More respect for Hungarians from Munkács/Mukachevo, Kyiv/Kiev, Brussels and Washington!”

What business is it of Russia how ethnic Russians are treated in Ukraine, or the Baltics, or anywhere else outside the boundaries of the Russian state? What business is it of Hungary to worry about Hungarians living on their ancient homelands, but outside the country of Magyarország, whose borders were forcibly shrunk? Let those minorities fend for themselves, say the purported “Liberals” unironically via their incomprehension and inaction. Meanwhile, to me it is totally clear that the final settlement between Ukraine and Russia will be all about the status of those Russians who will continue living in Ukraine. Unless Ukraine will be ethnically cleansed of all Russians (and maybe other minorities, in an insane ethno-nationalist drive to “ukrainianize” the entire population), the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian nation will have to get used to peaceful coexistence with ethnic Russian-Ukrainian citizens, and ethnic Hungarian ones, and Romanians, Poles, Hutsul, etc. All those people want to maintain their cultural identities, quite understandably. Ukraine is a multi-ethnic state, and if it wants to join European structures, it should act like a nation confident enough to guarantee the existence and flourishing of minority cultures internally. The biggest one is the Russian minority, and I repeat, unless population exchanges and ethnic cleansing happens, there will be Russians still living in Ukraine after the war ends. Hungarians will certainly be there. Prime Minister Orbán highlighted their situation. Is anyone paying attention? After all, this is the issue on which the question of war and peace turns.

In honor of the Magyars, their clear-eyed view of national interest, and their brave leadership in this matter, I will share one last story about the early days. This one is about warfare among Scythian brothers, much like what is happening in Scythia today, however, the Magyars have divine favor on their side, having been recently Christianized.


The Mouse Field is what they call the place where the Berettyó River runs among the Bihar Mountains and out onto the Great Hungarian Plain. It is a blessed region of grain-growing soil, but the tilling is difficult. Wherever you may try, the plow catches crumbling bones, rusty metal and steel shards.

“This must have been a great cemetery long ago,” says the plowman when that happens, and lifts his hat.

It was great, indeed: a whole nation buried itself there, long ago. And it was a huge and brave nation: the Pecheneg bowmen.

The Pechenegs were kinfolk to the Magyars, but very bad kinfolk. Only the languages of the two people were related, not their souls. The Magyars by that time had built churches for God, and houses for themselves, and called their country, the soil of which gave them bread, their own.

The Pechenegs did not have a country, they were a nomadic people living under tents, who worshipped God in the form of a naked sword. Every one of their neighbors feared their name, because the Pechenegs were fierce as the steppe wolf, sly as the fox, swift as the falcon.

The last time our Pecheneg kinsmen visited was during the reign of King Ladislaus. A messenger with a bloody face told the news of their arrival.

“If God is with us, who is against us?” said the saintly king as he calmly put on his armor, and called together his knights.

By the time the Magyars arrived at the city of Várad, the host of pirates had already sacked Transylvania, and now they were setting the forests aflame by the mountains of Bihar. The crying people ran from the wild warriors, and begged Ladislaus on their knees:

“Turn around, our lord king! You are going into the jaws of death with your small army. There are more Pechenegs than grasshoppers.”

“If God is with us, who is against us?” asked the holy king again, and with determination he led his small army into the valley of the Berettyó.

They arrived at dusk, and the king wanted to cross the narrow river just as the evening bells started tolling in the monastery at Keresztszeg. The king jumped from his steed, and showing the example to his knights, lifted his eyes up to the skies, begging:

“Our Lord, God, you are our sword, you are our shield!”

And at that moment, such a frightening scream filled the peace of the surrounding sundown that even King Ladislaus grasped his huge battle-axe with concern. And the army, interrupted mid-prayer, whispered in fear:

“The Pechenegs!”

Suddenly, all around them the forests were lit up in flames, casting a blood-red light on the Pecheneg horde, which slyly surrounded the Magyars. They were a sea of multitudes, the Earth nearly bent under their great weight, and listening to their raw laughter was pure horror.

A huge warrior soon emerged from the dark mass of Pechenegs, and taking hold of a flaming branch, trotted up to the Magyars. They opened up the way for him, as was usual for an ambassador, to approach the king.

The Pecheneg fighter had an easy task figuring out which one was the king of the Magyars. He was a head taller than all of his soldiers.

“The message my king sends for you is to lay your weapon at his feet!” said the Pecheneg proudly.

Saint Ladislaus swung his enormous battle-axe with one hand, and smiled, responding:

“My message to your king is that if he wants my weapon so badly, he should take it.”

At that very moment, a little mouse ran up the king’s cloak, and with his little feet, he ran up onto the king’s battle-axe, and finally perched on its very point.

“This is a bad sign!” said the Magyar warriors, but the king scolded them again:

“If God is with us, who is against us?”

“God is farther away than the mice,” laughed the Pecheneg mockingly, and took the message back to his army.

But they had no desire whatsoever to take the Magyar king’s famous axe at that time, they figured they will do it in the morning. Until then the Magyars can’t escape, because they don’t have wings. And then they can shower them with arrows, like so many thrushes.

The Magyars were feeling in the shadow of death. They were determined to face it, too, they were just waiting for orders from the king. And then, have at them, wherever the Pecheneg sea is thickest!

But King Ladislaus on the other hand acted like he forgot all about the danger. He laid himself down in the grass and happily played with the little mouse. He was glad that the mouse became so friendly, and so quickly. He could be right at home inside the king’s palm, just like in a nest. He was even squeaking, as if calling for his friends.

The commanders observed the king with amazement, and finally the white-haired old Palatine Bese stood in front of him:

“The Pechenegs have quieted down, my king. Only the guards are tending their fires. Maybe we could cut through them!”

“Our hour isn’t here yet,” said the king, looking up at the sky, as he released the little mouse from his palm.

The small animal disappeared in the grass while squeaking, but soon enough he appeared again, and with a friend this time. They ran around the king, as if trying to encourage him, and then disappeared in the fields.

Palatine Bese pretty soon stood in front of the king again. He asked for permission to scout the Pechenegs a little more closely. He wanted to see what their plans were.

“Go on!” nodded the king.

The palatine got going, but he only advanced a few hundred feet, and then came running back.

“My lord king, there are so many mice in the fields that you can’t even walk from them. It seems like every clump of earth has grown feet.”

Things did appear that way, indeed, with the help of illuminating starlight, as if the whole field was moving, and the taps of a million little feet drowned out the noise of the crickets.

“If God is with us, who is against us?” and the king lifted his arm to the sky, jumped up on his horse, and arranged his warriors for battle. “Now is the time, swords out!”

The light of dawn was beginning to arrive through the window of the sky when the trumpets blasted, and the Magyars attacked their enemy.
“Weapons, weapons!” screamed the Pecheneg guards.

In one minute, the entire horde was on their feet. Every Pecheneg warrior grabbed for his bow, and threw it away immediately in alarm.
“What happened to my bowstrings?”

No matter where they sought, the entire Pecheneg army had not a single bow that could shoot. Every one of them had their strings chewed off by the field mice.

The Pechenegs could not fight without a bow. Whoever had another weapon threw it away in panic, and they all fled whichever way they could. The shock of it made them lose their minds, and run right into the Magyar swords.

By the time the sun came up, the Pecheneg nation was no more. Those who gave themselves up pleading for mercy were settled in the valleys of the Mátra River by King Ladislaus. There they mixed into the Magyars like raindrops into the ocean.

The Pechenegs have neither name nor fame these days. But their cemetery is still called the Mouse Field by the people.
schedule 1 year ago
We are not starting nuclear war any more than Europe is not freezing in the dark and governments are not falling to enraged mobs.
And Larry Hogan was an excellent governor of Maryland for eight years. I have no idea what his foreign policy views are but he's exactly the kind of old-fashioned Republican (pre-Trump, pre-Reagan GOP even) I would gladly vote for for president.
schedule 1 year ago
    Theodore Iacobuzio
    Theodore Iacobuzio
    That may be but his line on DeSantis’s education policies is either willfully obtuse (i.e., Clintonian triangulation, therefore value-free) or stupid. I don’t think he’s stupid, so he’s just another hack. There is no middle ground on wokeness besides ignorance or stupidity. Everybody else sees it for what it is and either figure they’d better accommodate themselves or realize these people want us dead.
    schedule 1 year ago
    Fran Macadam
    Fran Macadam
    There are definitely enraged demonstrations in France.
    schedule 1 year ago
Peter Pratt
Peter Pratt
David French in the NYT

"Yet the outcome of the war is simply too important — to America as well as Ukraine — to allow our support to falter. On the war’s anniversary it’s time for a concerted effort to persuade Americans of a single idea: We should support Ukraine as much as it takes, as long as it takes, until the Russian military suffers a decisive, unmistakable defeat."

What happened to "blessed are the peacemakers" David? Why do you want nuclear war, David?

schedule 1 year ago
    Theodore Iacobuzio
    Theodore Iacobuzio
    Very very difficult to keep cool with French's line on nearly anything. He still thinks Iraq was a good idea. Maybe extinguishing 2,000 years of Catholic presence there was a feature and not a bug.
    schedule 1 year ago
    Fran Macadam
    Fran Macadam
    The man joined the NYT for the bucks and personal prestige. Why wouldn't he then follow their perverted preferences, having already betrayed the truth?
    schedule 1 year ago
Fran Macadam
Fran Macadam
"I have no doubt that Russian soldiers are committing war crimes."

What is this surety based upon, other than war itself is a crime? In which case there is no moral defence against not applying it to all sides.

However, in fact, pervasive war crimes by western Ukrainians against both civilians and prisoners of war have been credibly leveled, with clear evidence, by human rights observers on the scene.

War propaganda always claims the opponents are butchers, regardless of facts.

Unfortunately, the level of lying amidst our own unprecedented moral collapse makes the level of trust in those who lie about so many other things untrustworthy in matters of the wars they promote. Perversity is their thing, unfortunately, and this tendency extends to the profiteering driven by their irresistible lust for money.

Jesus would tell Peter to put up his sword, but these are not those who would heed the Lord's counsel.
schedule 1 year ago
Theodore Iacobuzio
Theodore Iacobuzio
This is for Macadam.

Take a look at this:


It went up at NR 10 minutes ago (11:20 a.m. EST).
schedule 1 year ago
    Fran Macadam
    Fran Macadam
    I read it. It's hardly indicative of anything other than uninformed support for the gradual escalation of world war.
    He knows the base, and also the importance of the financial clout of the military industrial financial base, and the power of the Deep State to sabotage political ambitions. They will certainly back him against Trump, whom they loathe and are still seeking to make a criminal of.
    I would assume for any professional politician lack of credibility. However he certainly is not against the war is my firm impression. Thinking he would stop it, I predict will end in disappointment.
    schedule 1 year ago
Bogdán Emil
Bogdán Emil

"This is why there will be no negotiated settlement ending the Russo-Ukraine war. The war will end after one side has vanquished the other.

Despite the generous military assistance from the West, Ukraine will not be able to prevail under current conditions. Moscow, therefore, will achieve its objective in crushing the Ukrainian state; it will have merged Russian power with that of Belarus and the remnants of Ukraine – thereby creating the “civilization-state” that Russian strategists of the Neo-Eurasianist school of geopolitics have long fantasized about."
schedule 1 year ago