View From Your Table

Right, like I was going to let another night in Paris go by without eating oysters at Huitrerie Regis. I tell you, if anybody asks me what I want my last meal to be, I will tell them 18 speciales de claires No. 3, so sweet and cold and succulent, bread, Breton butter, and a carafe of that lemony Muscadet. There is no better meal on this earth, if you ask me. And I mean that.
A Korean couple from Seoul sat in at the table next to mine out front. He told the server, Mrs. Regis, “I had to wait an hour for these to come, but now that I’ve finished, it was worth it.” After I had finished, I told Mrs. Regis that their Marennes d’Oleron were indescribably delicious, and that hers was my favorite place in all of Paris. She beamed.
“So many people tell us that, especially you Americans!” she said. “I don’t know why, but it’s good to hear.”
I’m telling you, dear reader, if you have a taste for raw oysters at all, get to Huitrerie Regis as soon as you can.