Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

The Week’s Most Interesting Reads

Obama’s Cuba opportunity. Philip Peters made the case for a change in Cuba policy. Neoconservatism’s theory gap. Leon Hadar reviews Bret Stephens’ America in Retreat and finds it thoroughly lacking. Ending the stupidest part of U.S. foreign policy. James Fallows celebrates the decision to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba. A welcome blow against posturing in […]

Obama’s Cuba opportunity. Philip Peters made the case for a change in Cuba policy.

Neoconservatism’s theory gap. Leon Hadar reviews Bret Stephens’ America in Retreat and finds it thoroughly lacking.

Ending the stupidest part of U.S. foreign policy. James Fallows celebrates the decision to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba.

A welcome blow against posturing in foreign policy. Paul Pillar applauds the opening to Cuba.

Did the U.S.-Cuba deal help promote peace in Colombia? Richard McColl speculates on the connection between the resumptions of U.S.-Cuban relations and FARC’s unilateral cease-fire declaration.

Modi’s “zero problems” foreign policy. Frida Ghitis reviews how Modi has changed Indian foreign policy so far.

Lithuania adopts the euro with a feeling of dread. Mark Gilbert looks at what Lithuanians think about the currency switch.

The Washington Post‘s recklessness. James Carden and Jacob Heilbrunn chide the Post for its reflexive hawkishness.
