The Law Of Merited Impossibility
The Law Of Merited Impossibility is an epistemological construct governing the paradoxical way overclass opinion makers frame the discourse about the clash between religious liberty and gay civil rights. It is best summed up by the phrase, “It’s a complete absurdity to believe that Christians will suffer a single thing from the expansion of gay rights, and boy, do they deserve what they’re going to get.”
For example, this recent news from Canada:
Canadian law deans are harbouring an “anti-religious bias” in their bid to block a prominent evangelical university from opening the country’s first Christian law school, according to supporters of the school, which has students and faculty follow a strict moral code.
In a letter publicized this week, the Canadian Council of Law Deans took aim at Trinity Western University’s “community covenant” — a code of conduct that includes a pledge to remain “abstinen[t] from sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness between a man and a woman.”
Bill Flanagan, president of the council of deans, said this covenant discriminates against gay, lesbian and bisexual students and that discrimination is “fundamentally incompatible” with the core values of Canadian law schools and of an equal society.
The LMI File is now open. I suspect it will fill up pretty fast.
UPDATE: A well-informed Canadian reader writes:
Note that only one party cites, you know, the law. The TWU notes that they have the law on their side and even have the nerve to cite an actual case! Mon Dieu! Those upstarts! The law deans, on the other hand, cite “core values” of CDN law schools and of an equal society.” Which party, I ask, is acting like a seminary, and which like a law school?
It’s interesting to note that the body responsible for determining whether TWU can actually open a law school or not – the Federation of Law Societies of Canada (FLSC) – has noted that consideration of the Law Deans’ letter was outside of its mandate. The FLSC must make recommendations to the provincial law societies based only on approved national standards for Canadian law schools. In other words, the law deans’ letter is the equivalent of a letter from a grumpy old retiree who has nothing better to do but write his local rag to snipe at whatever is going on that day.
It’s even more interesting to note that the journalist responsible for writing this story didn’t contact the FLSC before running with this weak article. It’s shoddy reporting at its finest!
UPDATE.2: It’s funny. Some liberal commenters complain that I spend too much time blogging about gay marriage, but those threads are almost always the most popular ones, in terms of comments. Only race consistently draws the number of comments. If marriage weren’t at issue, I would almost never blog about homosexuality, because it just doesn’t interest me all that much.