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That’s A Loyal Friend You Have There, Nancy

Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) told a group of Democratic moderates on Tuesday that an ethics and lobbying reform bill being pushed by party leaders was “total crap,” but said that he would work to enact the legislation because Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) supports it. Murtha and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) are locked in a battle […]

Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) told a group of Democratic moderates on Tuesday that an ethics and lobbying reform bill being pushed by party leaders was “total crap,” but said that he would work to enact the legislation because Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) supports it.

Murtha and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) are locked in a battle for the House Majority Leader post, and both men made presentations for to the Blue Dog Coalition on Tuesday in a bid for their votes.

“Even though I think it’s total crap, I’ll vote for it and pass it because that’s what Nancy wants,” Murtha told the Blue Dogs, according to three sources who were at the meeting. ~Roll Call

Via The Plank

I guess Murtha believes in speaking his mind!  To recap the first post-election week after Democratic victory: “ethically challenged” John Murtha receives a personal endorsement from the presumed future Speaker of the House because of his longtime support after pledging a new era of ethical and clean government, and then Pelosi commits herself even more to Murtha by openly working for his election as Majority Leader, which is followed by Murtha to mocking her ethics reform bill as “total crap,” further confirming everyone’s suspicions that he is indeed “ethically challenged” and the perfect example of the kind of politician who should not be Majority Leader in the new Congress.  He then says he will support the crappy bill out of loyalty to Nancy.  I’m sure she’s deeply touched by the sentiment.  The next two years are going to be a spectacle of just how absurd these people can be.  Meanwhile, on the other side, Trent Lott returns to the Senate leadership as Minority Whip!  This is going to be a great two years for low comedy in high places.



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