Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Thank McCain for small favors

I don’t know a lot of about Sarah Palin, but I’m relieved that we will be spared from the televised debate between Joe Biden and Joe Liberman in which these two Washington insiders would be gushing all over each other (Joe I: “Wolf, I want you to know that Joe is the smartest guy on […]

I don’t know a lot of about Sarah Palin, but I’m relieved that we will be spared from the televised debate between Joe Biden and Joe Liberman in which these two Washington insiders would be gushing all over each other (Joe I: “Wolf, I want you to know that Joe is the smartest guy on the Hill.” Joe II: “Joe is the guy I’ll call when I’m in trouble, Wolf”), while trying to outbid each other for Who is Georgia’s “Misha” Saakashvili’s Greatest pal in the Whole Wide World. ( Joe I: “I just talked with Misha over the phone.”  Joe II: “And I invited Misha to stay with us.”)
