Rush Limbaugh Explains The GOP Defeat
Wonder what the base is saying to itself? Here’s Rush Limbaugh today, denouncing the “defeatist Beltway GOP.” Excerpt:
Even if it takes 15 years in the wilderness to rebuild a new base of people who don’t embarrass them, of people who are of the right temperament. Maybe that’s what they’re willing to do. Maybe they’ve got commitments from their donors to keep ’em afloat if they just get rid of some of these wacko right-wing extremists. “We’ll just go all-in here. We’ll try to put together a new base of really responsible moderate, temperate, independent-type American voters.
“We’ll go out, we’ll expand our demographics, we’ll get a lot of Hispanics doing this, by throwing away the Tea Party, and we’ll get a lot of women voters coming back. We’ll throw away our base, and we’ll get the transgender and the lesbian, gay, bisexual groups, we’ll go out and get the Indians that are ticked off at the Redskins. We’ll get them! We’ll come out against that, and pretty soon we’re gonna own the country.”
That is the way they’re thinking, and all they gotta do to bring all that off? All they gotta do is throw away their base. That’s Christmas morning for ’em. Now, the Democrats never stop whipping up their base. Have you noticed? There’s never any pressure on the Democrats to get rid of their base, and you never hear Democrats ripping in their base. You never hear the Democrats acting embarrassed — and believe me, their base is genuine Looney Tunes. Their base lives and workers in asylums.
But the Democrats never act embarrassed by ’em, never act like they want to get rid of ’em. They never, ever do anything other than whip them up, keep them engaged, and turn them out. Meanwhile, the Republicans are tamping their base down. Why? ‘Cause the Democrats don’t like their (the Republicans’) base, and it’s more important to be liked by the Democrats within the wasn’t establishment, I guess, than it is to have the current base they’ve got.
How did this defeat come about? A sellout by elites, plus some kind of weird conspiracy involving the Negro president, says Rush.
There’s your conservative populism. Not a sober-sided analysis of this defeat, no self-examination necessary, only blaming shadowy forces surrounding Barack Obama Republican traitors who hate decent, patriotic Americans like you and me, friend. I love this part in particular:
With the election of Barack Obama and then the next day after that, it is like the country that was founded didn’t exist at all, and the transforming that Obama talked about wanting to make really had already almost been completed. Yet we’d had eight years of Bush. I’m not commenting on the specifics of Bushian policy, neo-conservative, all the things and the Iraq War. How do you go from Bush winning two elections to where we are now in the spate of a week?
Over to you, Daniel Larison!
Are these people even capable of self-criticism, of admitting error?