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Mosul Christians: And Then There Were Nun

That’s the Arabic letter pronounced “nun.” The genocidal Muslims of ISIS used it to mark Christian houses, businesses, and properties in Mosul, according to a report (with photographs) in Rorate Caeli. Why ‘nun’? Here: Nun (ن), the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet (the equivalent of letter N in our Roman alphabet), is the first […]


That’s the Arabic letter pronounced “nun.” The genocidal Muslims of ISIS used it to mark Christian houses, businesses, and properties in Mosul, according to a report (with photographs) in Rorate Caeli. Why ‘nun’? Here:

Nun (ن), the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet (the equivalent of letter N in our Roman alphabet), is the first letter of the word Nasara (نصارى : Nazarenes), the way Muslims have called Christians since the beginning of their invasion of the Christian world in the 7th century — Christians under Muslim rule never called themselves thus, since the intent of Muslims was to portray Christians as a contemptible and disobedient sect.

Rorate Caeli goes on:

They mean it as a mark of shame, we must then wear it as a mark of hope: Yes, we are in the army of the Resurrected Nazarene, the Master and Lord of the Universe, the Man who is God Almighty, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. You may kill our brethren and expel them, but we Christians will never go away.

Read the whole thing, including an excerpt of the interview with the Syriac Catholic patriarch, who confirms that the last Christian families were just driven from Mosul.

In another post, Rorate Caeli says what many of us are thinking:

For two thousand years, our dearest brethren saw it all from Mosul: Romanized Greeks, Hellenized Persians, Hellenized Romans from all origins later called “Byzantines”, Armenians, Arabs from the desert with a religion of the sword, Egyptians, Crusaders, Mongols, Turks, French and British, “Independence”… Then the clumsiest Empire in history, an Empire unwanted by most voters, unwarranted by the Republic’s own Constitution, led by bellicose hawks motivated by God knows what, justifying their actions on untruths, arrived, upsetting a balance that was not the best, but was best of all possible outcomes. Two Vicars of Christ had cried their hearts out in vain warning of the grave danger of an intervention, of the, “extremisms that could stem from it.”

Things were never the same.

For years, we have been warning that support for terrorists in neighboring Syria would surely end badly. But even we could not imagine that it would end so badly so fast and over such a vast area. And yet, the insane Empire-builders are still handing billions and billions, and hundreds of millions of dollars to “moderate” terrorists! Where’s the outrage? Have you contacted your congressman, senator, president, MP, prime-minister expressing your outrage, begging this madness to stop?

If anybody knows how we can get aid to the Christian refugees, please post it in the comboxes.
