Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Put A Wiener On The Barbie

Mattel's transgender Barbie kicks off celebration of the High Holy Month of Pride


As we prepare to enter the High Holy Month of Pride, the children’s toymaker Mattel debuts its latest creation: Tranny Barbie, modeled after the trans actor Laverne Cox. Mattel saith:

Laverne Cox is an award-winning actress, producer, writer, and prominent LGBTQ+ advocate. We’re proud to honor her in the Barbie Tribute Collection, to help amplify her message of moving beyond societal expectations to live more authentically.
“Authentically,” as defined by a major corporation. There is nothing that Woke Capitalism™ can’t co-opt.
Meanwhile, bigots aren’t allowed to drink Sam Adams beer during the High Holy Month. Non-bigots, however, are invited to these Sam Adams sponsored public liturgies:

The entire list is here.

And did you hear about the “unicorn” Ukrainian soldiers, LGBT combatants who are fiercely engaging Russian invaders? You gotta believe!

Queer beer, non-binary Ukrainian soldiers, tranny Barbies. Never forget, though, that if you find any of this weird, or withhold your approval in any way, then you are the one obsessed by LGBT, bigot!

June is gonna be a fun month with Woke Capitalism and other canons of the Cathedral catechizing us to be affirming, or else.

The metaphysical aspect of all this, though — the trans stuff, I mean — is that the culture in which we swim is teaching us to despise the givenness of our bodies, and to think that we can change Nature with a sufficient application of technology, law, and cultural command (including persecuting dissenters). You think this stuff is only about happy-clappy affirmation? Think about what you are affirming: the erasure of masculinity and femininity as biological facts. And we wonder why so many young people in our culture are so psychologically distressed. They are born into an unreal world, and told by the gatekeepers of this culture that they must deny among the most fundamental truths that we can know: the facts of our maleness and femaleness.

I think of the poor 12-year-old Slovenian girl whose father I spoke with last summer in Ljubljana. She got a smartphone when she was eleven, and inadvertently made contact with two trans activists in Oregon, who told her that she had a right and a duty to choose her sexual and gender identity. Her father said she has become paralyzed with depression, not knowing what and how to choose.

