Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Not Islamofascism, Part XXXVII

Personally I can’t see what’s wrong with “jihadist.” That’s what these guys are doing: making jihad. As Randall points out, there are just too many differences with fascism. Fascism was atheist; jihadis are devout. Fascism was nationalist; jihadis want the whole world under one rule. Fascism was blood-and-soil racist; Islam is (in theory, at least) […]

Personally I can’t see what’s wrong with “jihadist.” That’s what these guys are doing: making jihad. As Randall points out, there are just too many differences with fascism. Fascism was atheist; jihadis are devout. Fascism was nationalist; jihadis want the whole world under one rule. Fascism was blood-and-soil racist; Islam is (in theory, at least) oblivious to distinctions of race. As Randall also points out, sticking the word “fascism” on the phenomenon just reinforces the silly idea, which already has too much currency, that nothing much important happened in the world before the 20th century.

If we do go with “Islamo-fascist,” though, then considering that Hugo Chavez, at the U.N. the other day, pretty much lined up with the blighters, we should start referring to him and his pal Castro as “Hispano-fascists.” (No insult intended here to the memory of the late Generalissimo Francisco Franco, who, though he used them when he had to, didn’t much care for fascists. He didn’t much care for anything that had appeared later than about A.D. 1600.) ~John Derbyshire

Via ParaPundit

I’m surprised that I managed to miss Derbyshire’s take on Islamofascism (and his delightful remarks about Franco), since the topic was something of a brief obsession of mine (my readers may disagree with the “brief” part of that description), so I’m grateful to Randall Parker for pointing out this article and for the link to one of my recent anti-Hanson posts.  Mr. Parker’s arguments against the fascism comparisons can be found here.



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