Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Buttigieg’s Syria ‘Do Somethingism’

It sounds as if he is proposing a "humanitarian" intervention that would put the U.S. in direct conflict with the Russian and Syrian governments.
Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg endorses do-somethingism in Syria:

Buttigieg’s foreign policy has become more conventionally hawkish over the last year, and here the former mayor seems to be embracing full-blown liberal interventionism. We see the familiar moralizing rhetoric, the condemnation of “inaction,” and the demand that something “must” be done without first asking whether there is anything constructive that can be done. What is Buttigieg really calling for here? It sounds as if he is proposing a “humanitarian” intervention that would put the U.S. in direct conflict with the Russian and Syrian governments. This is the same problem that has confronted interventionists in Syria for more than seven years. Are they prepared to use force against these governments, and if so how do they think that will improve the situation? If Buttigieg has an answer to that, I doubt it will be any more persuasive than the ones we have heard in the past.

The “all available tools” rhetoric had some foreign policy professionals asking what exactly Buttigieg wants to do:

Like other Buttigieg statements on foreign policy, the latest one suggests that he hasn’t thought things through very well. Buttigieg recently attacked Biden for his poor judgment in voting for the Iraq war authorization. That’s a legitimate and fair criticism of the former vice president, but what does it say about Buttigieg’s own judgment when he seems to be advocating for military action in Syria against two other governments? Buttigieg has no foreign policy experience to speak of, so he has resorted to using Obama’s argument that judgment is more important than experience. If he doesn’t have good judgment, either, why should anyone want to entrust him with the presidency?
