‘Io Sono Giorgia’
This is the spitfire woman who was just elected Prime Minister of Italy. Savor it:
If this is fascism, let's have more of it!
Of course it's not in any way fascism -- a slur that the US media apply to Meloni to avoid having to take her ideas seriously.
Do we have a single American politician capable of speaking words like that with such force, and such conviction? I can't think of one. Giorgia Meloni has more balls than a Congress full of Republicans. She is going to wipe the floor with Ursula von der Leyen, Mark Rutte, and the Brussels gang. Last year, via our mutual friend Francesco Giubilei, she sent me a nice gift, which I pulled off a storage unit shelf today to admire:
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UPDATE: Lord have mercy, look at this clip. It is golden. She is the one we have been waiting for! When even one finds the courage to live not by lies, it can be contagious!