Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

View From Your Prytania

Some of you, I am sure, have come to think of me as a restraining force within our culture. As insane as it gets, you rightly reason that it would be so much worse without my presence. Well, my e-mail today brings evidence in support of your theory. No sooner do I leave the US […]

Some of you, I am sure, have come to think of me as a restraining force within our culture. As insane as it gets, you rightly reason that it would be so much worse without my presence.

Well, my e-mail today brings evidence in support of your theory. No sooner do I leave the US than there is an outbreak of Dreherbait so metaphysically powerful that it threatens to immanentize the eschaton. Friends, I give you the first paragraph of a Chicago Tribune story:

A white Ohio woman is suing a Downers Grove-based sperm bank, alleging that the company mistakenly gave her vials from an African-American donor, a fact that she said has made it difficult for her and her same-sex partner to raise their now 2-year-old daughter in an all-white community.

Nothing to do now but head to Lost Cove with your psionics helmet in hand and wait for The End.

[H/T: Reader D.S., who lives in New Orleans and who knows a Prytania view when he sees it.]



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