Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Andy Hardwick’s Viral Viral Video

British coronavirus patient makes video to warn others to stay home
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This video of Andy Hardwick, a British coronavirus patient, brings home hard what the experience of living with it is like. It went, um, viral in the UK. If you’re starting to wonder if social distancing is worth it, watch this. If, like me, you are tempted to think that maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal to go out to the grocery store to buy some more diet Snapple, watch this. Is it worth risking it?

According to the Guardian story, Andy’s doing a bit better now. His wife said his friends barely recognized him in this video.

If you do go out to get groceries, what’s the safe way to handle them? Here’s a great video by a physician, a clip that’s full of clear, practical advice answering that question. Seriously, take the 13 minutes or so to watch this presentation:



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