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It took an earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster to reveal how little the West understands the land of the rising sun.
Meet the heterodox economists challenging globalism. By Eamonn Fingleton “I don’t care who writes a nation’s laws, or crafts its advanced treatises,…
The Pentagon sells out American manufacturing for Japanese bases. By Eamonn Fingleton TOKYO—When German executives visit Tokyo, they are often treated to a…
The Betrayal of American Prosperity: Free Market Delusions, America’s Decline, and How We Must Compete in the Post-Dollar Era, Clyde Prestowitz, Free Press, 340…
America goes Ottoman shopping.
Edwin O. Reischauer and the American Discovery of Japan, George R. Packard, Columbia University Press, 368 pages
Getting the American economy back on solid ground will require new financial regulations. Goldman Sachs alums aren’t the men for the job.
Getting the American economy back on solid ground will require new financial regulations. Goldman Sachs alums aren’t the men for the job.