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By Tom Clancy Created by Tom Clancy’s Op-Center, written in collaboration with Gen. Tony Zinni (Ret.), Gen. Charles Horner (Ret.), Gen. Fred Franks (…
The ludicrous, destructive, curiously enduring myth of U.S. isolationism. By Chase Madar Of all the received ideas that clog America’s foreign-policy discourse,…
America’s camp for terror detainees is not much of a departure from the prison-industrial complex at home, argues TAC contributing editor Chase Madar…
Torturing the rule of law
Exclusive excerpts from the former First Lady’s new book, Spoken from the Heart
Harold Koh learns to love bomb power.
Feb. 8, 2009: My speech at the Rotary Club of Ulan-Bator about Iran’s nuclear ambitions is warmly received. The increasing tension around Iran’…
When the president does it, it isn’t illegal.