Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

A Miracle In Philadelphia

A Ukrainian Orthodox church in Philly burned to the ground — but its icons were unharmed: “I think it’s a miracle that a few of the icons survived because they are mostly made of wood. I could only say that for believers they’ll believe that it miraculously survived the fire; I mean the church burned, […]

A Ukrainian Orthodox church in Philly burned to the ground — but its icons were unharmed:

“I think it’s a miracle that a few of the icons survived because they are mostly made of wood. I could only say that for believers they’ll believe that it miraculously survived the fire; I mean the church burned, but her icon survived, and the congregation will survive. That’s what it means to me.”

Philadelphia Firefighter Arthur Davis said he’s never seen anything like it before.

“Not one of those pictures caught on fire; not the ones on the wall, not the ones on the stage, not one of them was damaged,” Davis said.

“What happened was it started on the roof, the fire. But it’s still amazing that with the collapse and all, this stuff is not burned. They could take it right off the wall; a lot of the pictures are still on the wall, the glass isn’t broken or nothing. When it comes to fires, I’ve seen it all, but I’ve never seen nothing like this before.”

The story comes from last autumn, but I’m just now seeing it. Amazing. You have to see the photos to imagine how unlikely it is that those icons would have survived.
