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The shameful state of veterans’ healthcare has just been exposed. ~James Forsyth It is true that the extremity of the shabby treatment doled out to veterans is something that was not widely known before the exposes on Walter Reed were published, but anyone who has ever had a friend or family member in the VA […]

The shameful state of veterans’ healthcare has just been exposed. ~James Forsyth

It is true that the extremity of the shabby treatment doled out to veterans is something that was not widely known before the exposes on Walter Reed were published, but anyone who has ever had a friend or family member in the VA hospital system already knows how fairly miserable the services for veterans are.  This is a function of very poor resources and poor management of the VA.  That the conditions are even worse than many of us imagined possible for returning soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan simply puts an exclamation point on a longstanding complaint against this administration.  The dreadful way that it has reduced veterans’ benefits at the same time that it has thrown more and more soldiers into intense combat has been something that some have noticed for years.  The public’s general indifference to or ignorance of the tens of thousands of seriously wounded veterans has been a black mark against the entire country.  The media have not completely dropped the ball in this area, and lately they have done some good work in focusing on the treatment of the wounded, but they have not made it much of a priority.  Obviously, pro-war commentators have never had much to say about these wounded soldiers, since their numbers and the gravity of their injuries bitterly mock the idea that this war has been relatively low in its human costs on the American side.
