Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Man Defeats Self In Racism Struggle Session

Catholic Charities regional CEO blasts self, Catholic Church, white race as bigoted
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Here’s a very fine woke meltdown from Rob McCann, the CEO of Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington. In it, he condemns himself as racist, all white people as racist, and the Catholic Church as racist. He also says his organization doesn’t have enough people of color on the board. Funnily enough, he doesn’t offer to resign to make room for a BIPOC:

When the Spokane newspaper wrote about the self-hating McCann’s confession, this was the response from a local NAACP leader:

Kurtis Robinson, president of Spokane’s chapter of the NAACP, expressed mixed feelings about the video.

“I look at it at its surface and say, ‘Good, it’s about time.’ And at the same time I hear myself say, ‘It’s about time,’ meaning it hasn’t been said until now,” Robinson said.

It’s great that he speaks about systemic racism and the systemic privilege that has perpetuated the problem, said Robinson, who is Black.

“I was challenged to not look at it through a hyper-critical lens because people of color have been promised this countless times – and we’re still here,” Robinson said.

McCann abased himself, denouncing himself, his church, and his entire race — but it wasn’t enough. Nothing ever will be.

This country is losing its mind. But you knew that.
