Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

Ron Paul For President!

Now observers close to the campaign are revealing – with some astonishment – that donations to the campaign in recent weeks have pushed the total up to perhaps $4 or $5 million. “That’s a huge number at this stage,” says one observer. “That starts to put him in a position where he can compete – […]

Now observers close to the campaign are revealing – with some astonishment – that donations to the campaign in recent weeks have pushed the total up to perhaps $4 or $5 million.

“That’s a huge number at this stage,” says one observer. “That starts to put him in a position where he can compete – state by state, anyway – with the major candidates.”

And this source added, “Of course, it’s hard to tell because the numbers keep changing – and thus nobody at the campaign has a firm count, at least not hour to hour. But the numbers are big. It’s definitely over three, probably over four, and if it hasn’t hit five yet, it will soon.”

At this rate, say observers, Ron Paul could have something like $10 million in his coffers inside of several months, and the total could keep growing – so long as he continues to hit on themes that Americans support – how to return the country to a true, small government, constitutional republic and how to end the war in Iraq. ~Free Market News

Via Sullivan

That’s great news.  I’m glad to say that I have contributed to his campaign.  Will the chattering classes start taking him seriously now?  I wonder if they know how.  

Defending the Constitution and opposing unnecessary wars–sounds like a winning message to me.
