Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

The Humorless Hillary Clinton

Making fun of her inability to be funny

The New Yorker publishes a spot-on satire about the hopelessly humorless Hillary Clinton. In this scenario, based on a NYT report that the Clinton campaign is going to try to bring out the candidate’s alleged funny side, HRC sits around with staffers brainstorming. Here’s how it begins:

STAFFER 1: Here’s something. Lots of jokes start with the line “A guy walks into a barn.”

CLINTON: I like that. That’s funny.

STAFFER 2: Bar. I think it’s “A guy walks into a bar.”

CLINTON: Bar? Why is that funny? Are bars funny?

STAFFER 3: I thought it was barn, too.

STAFFER 4: What if a guy walks into a barn and sees a bar?

CLINTON: That makes no sense.

STAFFER 2: Is that funny, though? Walking into a barn?

CLINTON: Barns are hilarious. It depends on the barn, of course, as well as the time of year. Barns can also be sad. I’ve walked into barns in the heartland of this great country, where jobs have vanished and the American dream is dead.

(Long silence.)

The whole thing is hilarious, and captures an essential truth about Mrs. C.
