Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

TAC Digest: May 23

Daniel Larison responded to Noah Millman’s questions about Christianity and human rights. Millman argued for religious autonomy against impossible religious liberty, and reviewed films “Rope” and “Bernie” for Shakesblog. Rod Dreher appraised the art of Thomas Kinkande, reflected on the HHS mandate, (hyperbolically) delighted in a movie theater slap-down, and looked forward to a potential […]

Daniel Larison responded to Noah Millman’s questions about Christianity and human rights. Millman argued for religious autonomy against impossible religious liberty, and reviewed films “Rope” and “Bernie” for Shakesblog. Rod Dreher appraised the art of Thomas Kinkande, reflected on the HHS mandate, (hyperbolically) delighted in a movie theater slap-down, and looked forward to a potential “Confederacy of Dunces” film adaptation.

Larison exposed Rubio’s phony constitutionalism. Jordan Bloom celebrated Thomas Massie’s primary victory, and pondered Arthur Davis’s potential return to politics. Scott Galupo debunked liberal faith in Justice Scalia, and counseled against a partisan interpretation of civil rights.

Philip Giraldi questioned Jose Rodriguez’s defense of torture, while Larison challenged misunderstandings of the American foreign policy consensus, joined Millman’s critique of   Romney’s Iran rhetoric, and watched Colin Powell ask Mitt to think. Dreher explained the problem of moral licensing and hypocrisy, and Scott McConnell is going to Paris.



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