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Next Time in Lebanon

Everybody in Lebanon needs to understand something: Israel is more likely than ever to target the entire country during the next round of conflict. ~Michael Totten That would make it no different from 2006, when Israel targeted the entire country, including detachments of the Lebanese army. The 2006 war was a war against all of […]

Everybody in Lebanon needs to understand something: Israel is more likely than ever to target the entire country during the next round of conflict. ~Michael Totten

That would make it no different from 2006, when Israel targeted the entire country, including detachments of the Lebanese army. The 2006 war was a war against all of Lebanon even when the country was still formally governed by the March 14 coalition and the war was supposed to focus only on Hizbullah. So, yes, Israel will target all of Lebanon during the next round of conflict, but that would be the case if Hariri held on as prime minister and the Lebanese government had not collapsed. Apparently, what Totten means when he says this is that Israel will be more justified in wrecking Lebanon in the future.

Totten continues:

Regime-change in Lebanon would have been an insane policy with Hariri’s March 14 coalition in charge, but it won’t be if Hezbollah is calling the shots.

Right, because another Israeli invasion and occupation of Lebanon for the explicit purpose of overthrowing its government and installing a friendly puppet regime can’t possibly turn into a disaster for both Israel and Lebanon.



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