Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

‘Traditional Marriage’ Disgusts NRO Writer

History keeps running over people standing athwart it yelling, 'Stop!'

This is one of those tiny but telling things. Katherine Timpf is a reporter for National Review Online. She’s a Millennial, a Hillsdale grad, and has published lots of things in right-of-center publications. And she’s a libertarian.

One is not at all surprised to find libertarians, especially libertarians in their twenties, supporting same-sex marriage. Nor is one surprised to find libertarians working at National Review. What I find startling, but a sign of the times, is that a National Review writer not only doesn’t support traditional marriage, but finds the term and concept viscerally disgusting.

A small thing, but a big thing too.

History is running right over the people standing athwart it yelling, “Stop!”

UPDATE: Understand, I’m not complaining, just observing.
