Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

The Ultimate Millennial Whine

A reader sends this Shockingly-Not-The-Onion piece as ultimate Dreher bait, and he’s right: it’s an essay-length whine by Jordan Price, a young software designer who got his dream job at Apple, but whose supervisor was mean to him, so he quit and, get this, wrote a HuffPo piece about it. No, really, he did. Excerpt: […]

A reader sends this Shockingly-Not-The-Onion piece as ultimate Dreher bait, and he’s right: it’s an essay-length whine by Jordan Price, a young software designer who got his dream job at Apple, but whose supervisor was mean to him, so he quit and, get this, wrote a HuffPo piece about it. No, really, he did. Excerpt:

Then my immediate boss (known at Apple as a producer), who had a habit of making personal insults shrouded as jokes to anyone below him, started making direct and indirect insults to me. He started reminding me that my contract wouldn’t be renewed if I did or didn’t do certain things. He would hover over my back (literally) like a boss out of Dilbert and press me to finish some mundane design task that he felt urgently needed to be examined. He was democratic about his patronizing and rude comments, but it didn’t make me feel any better when he directed them towards my team members. I felt more like I was a teenager working at a crappy retail job than a professional working at one of the greatest tech companies in the world.

I tried to tough it out and look at the bright side of things. I was working at Apple with world-class designers on a world-class product. My coworkers had super sharp eyes for design, better than I had ever encountered before. I loved the attention to detail that Apple put into its design process. Every single pixel, screen, feature, and interaction is considered and then reconsidered. The food in the cafe was great, and I liked my new iPad Air. But the jokes, insults, and negativity from my boss started distracting me from getting work done. My coworkers that stood their ground and set boundaries seemed to end up on a shit list of sorts and were out of the inner circle of people that kissed the producer’s ass. I started to become one of those people that desperately wanted Friday evening to arrive, and I dreaded Sunday nights. Few of my friends or family wanted to hear that working at Apple actually wasn’t so great. They loved to say, “Just do it for your resume.” Or “You have to be the bigger man.” Or “You just started. You can’t leave yet.”

But Price did leave, and told the world about what a jerk boss he had at Apple. Maybe his boss was as jerky as he says. I would hate working for a boss like that. I’ve had great bosses, and I’ve had not-so-great bosses. Sometimes, you just have to suck it up and pay your dues until something better comes along. Sounds to me like in a time of high unemployment for his demographic, a special snowflake got a plum job, but left because he was unable to suck it up. He says at the end of his essay:

p.s. I’m currently looking for a new design job. Please contact me if you have one that’s cool.

Yeah, only the cool jobs will do for Jordan Price. Good luck with that, fella. Readers, would you hire a prisspot who, if he leaves your company, would tell the whole world that your company is an awful place to work? I didn’t think so. Anyway, if any of you cool employers have a cool job for cool Jordan, and are willing to risk having your reputation trashed if you don’t coddle him, here’s how to get in touch with him.
