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Je Suis Porky

'No pictures of bacon for you, kiddies!' says Oxford University Press

Houellebecq Alert! From the UK, one of the most august academic publishers in the English-speaking world dhimmitizes itself:

Schoolbook authors have been told not to write about sausages or pigs for fear of causing offence. 

Guidance from leading educational publisher the Oxford University Press prohibits authors from including anything that could be perceived as pork-related in their books. 

The bizarre clampdown, apparently aimed at avoiding offence among Jews and Muslims, emerged yesterday during a discussion about free speech on Radio 4’s Today programme. 

It was immediately branded ‘nonsensical political correctness’.

Even a Muslim MP thinks this is crap:

Muslim Labour MP Khalid Mahmood said: ‘I absolutely agree. That’s absolute utter nonsense. And when people go too far, that brings the whole discussion into disrepute.’

Garbage like this makes me want to buy a copy of Charlie Hebdo, even if I throw it in the trash.



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