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The Meme Lives On

Sophisticated commentary now notes the growing creepiness of the Obama campaign: Its aversion to substantive policy discussions. ~Froma Harrop Naturally, Obama fans (and I do mean fans, not supporters) will dispute the label “sophisticated,” since the truly sophisticated understand Obama’s ability to move outside of linear time and reverse entropy.  They will say, “Haven’t you read […]

Sophisticated commentary now notes the growing creepiness of the Obama campaign: Its aversion to substantive policy discussions. ~Froma Harrop

Naturally, Obama fans (and I do mean fans, not supporters) will dispute the label “sophisticated,” since the truly sophisticated understand Obama’s ability to move outside of linear time and reverse entropy.  They will say, “Haven’t you read his policy booklet?  It’s amazing!  Even his policy booklet will reunite America!”  They will also insist that the people saying this about Obama’s campaign just haven’t looked closely enough, but how is it that so many observers, regardless of their politics or stake in the Democratic race, keep coming up with the same conclusion? 

P.S.  I would note that this Harrop column supports my guess that Clinton might perform reasonably well against McCain, but Obama would fail.  I admit that it hadn’t occurred to me that his happy hopemonger routine would be one of the causes, but the result will be the same.

Update: David Brooks makes use of the same word Harrop used to describe Obama: “vaporous.”



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