Politics Foreign Affairs Culture Fellows Program

View From Your Late Night Pop-Up Cochon De Lait

Julie and I had turned in for the evening, just shy of midnight. She was checking her e-mail, and said, “A friend of mine says they’re smoking a pig all night long in the Bird Man parking lot, for that pop-up kitchen thing tomorrow night.” Naturally, we got out of bed, put our pants on, […]


Julie and I had turned in for the evening, just shy of midnight. She was checking her e-mail, and said, “A friend of mine says they’re smoking a pig all night long in the Bird Man parking lot, for that pop-up kitchen thing tomorrow night.”

Naturally, we got out of bed, put our pants on, packed the cooler with beer, and went.

It was just the best thing. It’s 2:30 am, we’re back in bed, smelling of beer, wood smoke, and T-Bone (the dog, above). God bless Louisiana! I mean it. Why are you not living here?! Look:









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